The Cyprus Gazette

The Cyprus Gazette

The Cyprus Gazette


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802 THE CYPRUS GAZETTE, 1ST MAY, 1936.<br />

" Mesokountoura, " at a junction of two roads,<br />

and goes south-eastwards along one of these<br />

roads to the south-westem comer of plot No. 412<br />

ofthe same plan ; thence north-eastwards passing<br />

along the boundaries of, and including in the<br />

reserved area, plots Nos. 412, 566, to the most<br />

eastem point of plot No. 566 of the same plan,<br />

on a stream ; thence north-eaatwards up this<br />

stream to the northem boundary of plot No. 416<br />

of the same plan, locahty " Stavros " ; thence<br />

north-eastwanis passing along the boundaries<br />

of, and including in the reserved area, plots<br />

Nos. 416 (part of), 487 and 486 of the same<br />

plan, to the most-northern point of plot Xo. 486<br />

of the same plan, on a road ; thence southeastwards<br />

along this road to the most western<br />

point of plot Xo. 483 of the same plan, locahty<br />

" Laxia" : thence north-eastwards passing<br />

along the boundaries of, and including in the<br />

reserved area, plots Xos. 483, 482. 481/4,<br />

481/3, 481j2. 481/1, 481. 476 and 572, to the<br />

most northen point of plot No. 572 of the same<br />

plan, locality " Kamara," on a road ; thence<br />

south-eastwards along this road to the most<br />

western point of plot No. 116, plan Xo. XI'18,<br />

locahty '" Laxia " ; thence north-eastwards and<br />

north-westwards passing along the boundaries<br />

of, and including in the reserved area, plots<br />

Nos. 116, 117, 115, 149 and 150, to the most<br />

westem point of plot No. 257 of the same plan,<br />

locahty " Gyros-tis-Khalosis," on the boundary<br />

of the viUage of Kormakiti; thence southwards<br />

and westwards along this viUage boundary to<br />

the most westem point of plot Xo. 10, plan<br />

XI/25, on a road which forms the forest<br />

Me. 412.<br />

H. R. PALMER,<br />

Governor.<br />

dehmitation boundary of " Patsaha Forest " ;<br />

thence northwards along this road to the startuig<br />

point.<br />

<strong>The</strong> area reserved comprises 2,136 donums<br />

approximatelv, as shown edged in red on the plan<br />

filed m D.L.R.S. MP. 595/35.<br />

Made at Nicosia, this 25th day of April, 1936.<br />

(MP. 499/36.)<br />

No. 411.<br />

H. R. PALMER,<br />

ORDER<br />


THE BURIALS LAW, 1896.<br />

Goveimor.<br />

Whereas the burial-giound situated iu the villageof<br />

Kalokhorio, Districr of Larnaca, now in use by the<br />

5f(.slem community for the Imrial of the dead, is<br />

uaniTtrons to the health of tho said village :<br />

Xow, therefore, in exercise of the powers vested in<br />

hiiti by section 1 of the Burials Law, 1896, His<br />

E.xcellency the Governor has been pleased to order and<br />

hereby orders that a new burial-ground, in substitution<br />

for the burial-ground now in use as aforesaid, shall be<br />

provided under the provisions of the said Law.<br />

]MaJe at Xicosia, this 28th day of AprU, 1936.<br />

(M.P. 1418/12/2.)<br />



Whereas the Public Health Board of Pedhoulas (hereinafter called " the Board ") have decided that the<br />

land situated in the village of Pedhoulas in the District of Nicosia particulars whereof are specifically set out in<br />

the Schedule hereto be acquired for the purf>ose of the erection thereon of markets and of a slaughter-house;<br />

And whereas His Exeellency the Governor has considered it expedient, having regard to all thc<br />

circum8tan:U. His Excellency the (iovernor is pleased to sanction and hereby sanctions the acquisition by tbe<br />

Board of the laud aforesaid for the puji '.-i - aforesaid.<br />

Plan I Reference<br />

Sheet Plan Plot<br />

XXXVII !'•; vill. 1310 i Pedhoulas ' 1458<br />

XXXVII 26 \ill. ir)r.6 A „ 3214<br />

\ 1 - r -<br />

S( HKDULE.<br />

Par fir uld rx. of the Land.<br />

Villii-'e Iiev'i'*t»;:i^iu" Nature of property Name of regi.steredi Name of present<br />

" number to be acquired<br />

owner possessor<br />

Garden, 1 evlek and \ Loizos Haji ; Despina<br />

6;0() 8

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