The Cyprus Gazette

The Cyprus Gazette

The Cyprus Gazette


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0.")(') THE e;YPRLS GAZETTB, 18TH SEPTEMBER, 1936.<br />

No. 900. Notice.<br />

THE PAS.SP(IRTS LAW. 1923.<br />

Notice is hereby ;:iven that llis E.xcellency the<br />

Acting GoviTiu'r lias hvm pleased to direct tliat as<br />

from the 15th ."x'pteml't i, i;)36, the British Consular<br />

visa on passports may l»e (lispns'^d with in the case of<br />

Eiryptian subjects enter!ni: <strong>Cyprus</strong>.<br />

By His Excellency's Command,<br />

A. B. WRIGHT.<br />

Acting Cohnial Secretary.<br />

1 Otli September. 1936. . (M.P. 1016/23/2.)<br />

Ho, 901.<br />

THE PASSPORTS LAW, 1923.<br />

Notice is hereby given that His Excellency the<br />

Acting Governor hie been pleased to direct that as<br />

from the l.'^tth September, 1986, the British Consular<br />

visa on passports may be dispensed with in the ease of<br />

Iraqi subjects entering <strong>Cyprus</strong>.<br />

By His Excellency's Command,<br />

A. B. WRIGHT,<br />

No. 906. <strong>The</strong> Rural Constables Laws,<br />

lJi32 and 1934.<br />


In exercise of the IH)W(IS vet^ted in the Governor by<br />

the Rural Consfaibles Laws, 1932 and 1M34, His<br />

Excellency the Acting (iovernor has Ixjen pleased<br />

to revoke as from the 1st .Tanuary, l!to7, the direction<br />

contained in .\otifi(»tion No. 1117 in the <strong>Gazette</strong> dl<br />

the 26th October, 1934. relating to the villaj,^' of<br />

Bey Keuv in the Distjrict of Nicosia.<br />

(M.P. 1307/32.)<br />

No. 907. <strong>The</strong> Irrigation Laws, 1931 and 1934.<br />

In pursuance of the provisions of section 18 of<br />

the Irrigation Law, 1931, the following Rules mtde<br />

by the Committee of the Irrigation Division of<br />

Sinda (Kuchuk Dere), in the District of Famagusta,<br />

are published in the <strong>Cyprus</strong> GazetU.<br />

(M.P. 795/36.)<br />


(KUCHUK DEBE).<br />

Acting Colonial Secretary.<br />

Rules.<br />

15th September, 1936. (M.P. 1016/23/2.) 1. <strong>The</strong>se Rules may bo cited as the IrrigatioD<br />

Division of Sinda (Kuchuk Dere) Rules, 1936.<br />

No. 902.<br />

THE PASSPORTS LAW, 1923.<br />

Notice is hereby given tbat His Excellency the<br />

Acting Govemor has heen pleased to direct that as<br />

from the 15th September, 1936, the British Consular<br />

2. In these Rules :—<br />

" Commissioner " means the CommissimMT<br />

of the District of Famagusta.<br />

" Committee " means the Committee for the<br />

Irrigation Division.<br />

visa on passports may be dispensed with in the case of<br />

Palestinian citizens entering <strong>Cyprus</strong>.<br />

" Irrigation Division " means the Irrigation<br />

Division of Sinda " Kuchuk Dere ".<br />

By His Excellency's Command,<br />

A. B. WRIGHT,<br />

Acting Colonial Secretary.<br />

15th September, 1936. (M.P. 1016/28/2.)<br />

" Law" means the Irrigation Laws, 1931<br />

and 1934.<br />

" List" means the list of the names and<br />

residenoe of the proprietors prepared under the<br />

provisions of seotion 14 (b) of the Law.<br />

" Works" means the Irrigation works of<br />

No. 903. Order of the Commissioner of the the Irrigation Division.<br />

District of Limassol under the Croats 3. <strong>The</strong> Committee shall hold ofiice for a period of<br />

Laws, 1913 to 1935.<br />

In exercise of the powers vested in me by the<br />

Goats Laws, 1913 to 1935, I, Leslie .Stuart Greening,<br />

Commissioner of the District of Limassol, do hereby<br />

order that the village of Pano Polemidhia, in the<br />

District of Limassol, shall be a prescribed village<br />

within the meaning of the Goats Laws, 1913 to 198.j.<br />

Limassol, L. S. GREENING,<br />

7th September, 1930. Commissioner.<br />

(M.P. 1000/13/82.)<br />

three years beginning on the 17th April, 1986.<br />

<strong>The</strong>reafter the election of the Committee shall<br />

take place every third year in the month of<br />

April, and it shall hold office for a period of<br />

three years from the 18th April next following its<br />

election.<br />

4.—(a) <strong>The</strong> Committee shall appoint a treasurer<br />

who shall, during the months of August and<br />

September, in every year, collect the rates and<br />

charges assessed upon the pro{xietors mentioned<br />

in the list.<br />

(6) <strong>The</strong> treasurer shall, on the lst October in<br />

Ho. 904. <strong>The</strong> Antiquities Law, 1935.<br />


In exercise of the powers vested in the Govemor by<br />

the Antiquities Law, 1985, His Excellency the Acting<br />

Govemor has been pleased to establish the premises<br />

situated within the Palace enclosure at Famagusta,<br />

formerly used as a prison, to lie a District Museum ot<br />

Famagnsta under the provisions of the said Law.<br />

(M.P. H75/36.)<br />

every year, prepare a statement of all rates or<br />

oharges still due and unpaid on that date and<br />

shall forward such stateukent to the Commissioner.<br />

(c) <strong>The</strong> treasurer shall receive as remuneration<br />

10% of all rates and charges collected by him ss<br />

in (a) hereof provided.<br />

(d) <strong>The</strong> treasurer shall be appointed for such<br />

period as the Committee may fix, provided that<br />

such period shall in no case extend beyond the<br />

term of office of the Committee appointing such<br />

treasurer.<br />

No. 905. Hie Antiquities Law, 1985.<br />

5. Every proprietor mentioned in the Ust shall<br />


pay a rate not exceeding two shillings per<br />

In exercise of Oae- powers vested in the Govemor by annum, as may be prescribed by the CommittflS<br />

the Antiquities Law. 1935, His Excellency the Acting from time to time, for every Govemment donuffl<br />

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