The Cyprus Gazette

The Cyprus Gazette

The Cyprus Gazette


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Ho. 385. REGULATIONS<br />



1933 TO 1936.<br />

H. R. PALMBK,<br />

Governor.<br />

In exercise of the powers vested in him by the<br />

Elementary Education Laws, 1933 to 19361<br />

His Excellency the Govemor has been pleased<br />

to make and hereby makes the foUowing<br />

Regulations :—<br />

1. <strong>The</strong>se Regulations may be cited as the<br />

Elementary Education (Infectious Diseases)<br />

Regulations, 1936.<br />

2. In these Regulations—<br />

" contact " means any pupil or any other<br />

person who has come into contact with a<br />

person suffering from an infectious disease ;<br />

" infectious disease" means any of the<br />

diseases in the Schedule hereto ;<br />

" Medical Officer " means a Govemment<br />

Medical Of&cer.<br />

3. <strong>The</strong> Head-Teacher shall report without<br />

delay to the nearest Medical Officer any case<br />

or suspected case of any infectious disease<br />

amongst pupUs enrolled and attending school.<br />

4. <strong>The</strong> Medical Officer shaU with aU practicable<br />

speed proceed to examine the pupU in respect<br />

of whom the report is made and if the Medical<br />

Officer finds him to be suffering from an infectious<br />

disease, such pupil shall not be aUowed to<br />

attend the school thereafter without the written<br />

permission of such Officer.<br />

5. <strong>The</strong> Medical Officer may, if he considers it<br />

necessary, by writing under his hand, direct<br />

that contacts of any infectious disease shaU<br />

be excluded from school for such time as he<br />

may specify in the order and thereafter such<br />

contacts shall not be allowed to attend the<br />

school untU the time specified in the order<br />

expires.<br />

6. A Medical Officer may, if he considers it<br />

necessary, by writing under his hand, direct<br />

that any pupil whose state of health and general<br />

condition is such as to constitute a possible<br />

source of danger to the health of other pupUs<br />

shaU be excluded from school for such time<br />

as he may specify in the order and thereafter<br />

such pupil shaU not be allowed to attend the<br />

school until the time specified in the order<br />

expires.<br />


(Regulation 2.)<br />

1. Acute Anterior PoliomyeUtis.<br />

2. Chickenpox.<br />

3. Cholera.<br />

4. Dengue.<br />

6. Diphtheria.<br />

6. Dysentery.<br />

7. Epidemic (Jerebro-Spinal Meningitis.<br />

8. Epidemic or septic sore throat.<br />

9. Influenza.<br />

10. Measles.<br />

11. Mumps.<br />

12. Plague.<br />

13. Pulmonary Tuberculosis.<br />

14. Scarlet Fever.<br />

15. SmaUpox.<br />


16. Trachoma.<br />

17. Typhoid.<br />

18. Typhus.<br />

19. Whooping Cougli.<br />

20. Yellow Fever.<br />

277<br />

Made at Nicosia, this 2l8t day of April, 1936.<br />

(M.P. 690/36.)<br />

No. 386.<br />




1933 TO 1936.<br />

H. R. PALMER,<br />

Governor.<br />

In exercise of the powers vested in him by the<br />

Elementary Education Laws, 1933 to 1936, His<br />

Excellency the Govemor has been pleased to make and<br />

hereby makes the following Regulations :—<br />

1. <strong>The</strong>se Regulations may be cited as the<br />

Elementary Education (Furniture and Equipment)<br />

Regulations, 1936.<br />

2. Every Town Committee or Yillage Commission<br />

or Comniittee of Management shall provide for each<br />

school under its management the furniture and<br />

equipment specified iu the First Schedule.<br />

3. Any Town Committee or Village Commission<br />

or Committee of Management which has in good<br />

condition in the schools under its management the<br />

furniture and equipment specified in the First Schedule<br />

may provide the furniture and equipment specified<br />

in the Second Schedule.<br />

4. No Town Committee or Village Commission or<br />

Committee of Management shall provide any furniture<br />

or equipment other than that specified in the First<br />

and SecMid Schedules unless the written permission<br />

of the Director has been previously obtained.<br />


1. Desks of correct size according to the plan approved<br />

by the Director in Circular 582/32. <strong>The</strong>re must<br />

be at least one desk for every three pupils enrolled.<br />

Where floor space permits one desk for every two<br />

pupils should be provided.<br />

2. One Blackboard at least 5'X3' in each class-room.<br />

Where two or more classes or groups of classes are<br />

taught in the same room two blackboards should be<br />

provided.<br />

3. Teacher's table fitted with a drawer and lock.<br />

4. Teacher's platform.<br />

5. Teacher's chair.<br />

6. Cupboard.<br />

7. Bookcase for school library.<br />

8. Maps of <strong>The</strong> World (supplied by Education<br />

Department), Cvprus, <strong>The</strong> Near East, Europe.<br />

9. Globe.<br />

10. File cover for Departmental Circulars.<br />

SECOND ScHKorLB.<br />

1. Maps of Asia, .\frica, America and AustraUa.<br />

2. For Orthodox-Christian and Maronite Schools :—<br />

A bound set of pictures illustrating the Bible, as<br />

approved by the Director.<br />

3. Pictures illustrating Human Anatomy as approved<br />

by the Director.<br />

4. <strong>The</strong>rmometer, barometer and rain gauge.<br />

5. Apparatus for use in elementary science lessons as<br />

approved by the Director.<br />


Made at Nicosia, this 23rd day of April, 1936.<br />

(M.P. 753/36.>

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