The Cyprus Gazette

The Cyprus Gazette

The Cyprus Gazette


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312 THE CYPRUS GAZETTE, 8TH MAY, 1936.<br />

No. 436. Leave of Absence.<br />

Mr. R. R. Waterer, .Assistant Consorvator of Forests,<br />

1st Grade, is irranted vacation k'ave(76 days),passage<br />

k«ve (24 days) and leave of absence with half salary<br />

(?,\ .lavs) from Srd May to 10th September, 1936.<br />

(M.P. L.1547.)<br />

Mr. A. Haralambides, Technical Clerk and Storekeeper,<br />

Wesurn Division. PubUc Works Department, is<br />

granted vacation leave from 1st ^May to 16t,h August,<br />

19:^,6. (M.P L.S21.)<br />

No. 437. Termination oi Appointments.<br />

His Excellencv the Governor diiects it to be notified<br />

that the appointments of the following Honorary District<br />

Surgeons, Medical Department, \m\e been terminated<br />

with effect from the 1st June, 1936, inclusive :—<br />

Dr. M. Kontarini. (M.P. P. 480.)<br />

Dr. H. Fikri. (M.P. P.1117.)<br />

No. 438. Authorization under the Criminal<br />

Evidence and Procedure Laws,<br />

1929 to 1934.<br />

<strong>The</strong> undermentioned Police Constables have been<br />

authorized by His Excellency the Governor to hold<br />

enquiries into the commission 9, Savvas P. Vanezis.<br />

71, Polycarpos Karlettides.<br />

]2."», Aristodemos <strong>The</strong>ocharides.<br />

;]."»6, ^Michael Mouskos.<br />

104, Haralambos Tsiflikiotis.<br />

417, Mustafa Shaban.<br />

l(i:'.. John C. Christodoulides.<br />

;'».>1, Djelal Orhan.<br />

137. Pythagoras Stamataris.<br />

;>H!», Sonleyinan Shefket.<br />

Dated 29th Aja-il, 193(1.<br />

2'.]I, Andreas Chryssides.<br />

666, ("ostis Yiannakis.<br />

;>34, Mustafa Torghout.<br />

2(i0, Demetris Michael.<br />

:J7. Peter X. Haji Petrou.<br />

24:5, Vassos Michaelides.<br />

191, Michael Perikentis.<br />

."tl(t, Ali Essad.<br />

222, Demetris (Christodoulides.<br />

774, Mehmed Djemal.<br />

Dated 4th May. 1936. (M.P. 12.".l/10/4.)<br />

No. 439. Notification under the Tree Planting<br />

Village Areas Laws, 1930 to 1936.<br />


In exercise of the powers vested in me by the<br />

Tree Planting Village Areas Laws, 1930 to 1936,<br />

I hereby estabUsh a fund for tbe viUage of<br />

iSiUkou, in the District of Limassol, (hereinafter<br />

called the " Fund"), into which shall<br />

be paid all fines recovered under the said Laws<br />

for offences committed within the Tree Planting<br />

Area of the village of Silikou. as described<br />

in the Order of the Governor made the SOth<br />

March, 1936, and pubUshed in the <strong>Gazette</strong> of<br />

the 3rd April, 19.36.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Fund sliaU be under the management and<br />

control of the Commissioner of Limassol for the<br />

time being.<br />

<strong>The</strong> money in the Fund shaU be utilized for<br />

works of pubUc utility in the village of SiUkou.<br />

Limassol, 29th April, 1936.<br />

(M.P. 544/36.)<br />

L. S. GREENING,<br />

Commissioner.<br />

No. 440. Notification under the Tree Planting<br />

Village Areas Laws, 1930 to 1936.<br />


In exercise of the powers vested in me by the<br />

Tree Planting Village Areas Laws, 1930 to 1936,<br />

I hereby establish a fund for the village of<br />

Phini, in the District of Limassol, (hereinafter<br />

caUed the " Fund "), into which shallbe paid all<br />

fines recovered under the said Laws for offences<br />

committed within the Tree Planting Area of<br />

the village of Phini, as "described in the<br />

Order of the Governor made the 6th April,<br />

1936, and published in the <strong>Gazette</strong> of the Gth<br />

April, 1936.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Fund shall be under the management and<br />

control of the Commissioner of Limassol for the<br />

time bping.<br />

<strong>The</strong> money in the Fund shall be utilized for<br />

works of pubUc utility in the village of<br />

Phini.<br />

Limassol, 29th April, 1936.<br />

(M.P. 595/36.)<br />

L. S. GREENING,<br />

Commissumir.<br />

No. 441. Notification under the Tree Planting<br />

Village Areas Laws, 1930 to 1936.<br />


In exercise of the powers vested in me by the<br />

Tree Planting ViUage Areas Laws, 1930 to<br />

1936, I hereby estabUsh a fund for the viUage of<br />

Pakhna, in the District of Limasspl, (hereinafter<br />

called the " Fund "), into which shall be paid all<br />

fines recovered under the said Laws for offences<br />

committed \\ithin the Tree Planting Area of<br />

the viUage of Pakhna, as described in the Order<br />

of the Governor made the 5th March, 1936,<br />

and published in the <strong>Gazette</strong> of the 6th March.<br />

1936.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Fund shaU be under the management and<br />

control of the Commissioner of Liniassol for the<br />

time being.<br />

<strong>The</strong> money in the Fund shaU be utilized for<br />

works of pubUc utility in the village of Pakhna.<br />

Limassol, 29th April, 1936.<br />

(M.P. 545/36.)<br />

L. S. GREENING,<br />

Commissioner.<br />

No. 442. Trade Marks Advertisements.<br />

Advcitiw ments under the Trade Marks Ret^nstration<br />

Law, 1910, Hre jtublished in a supplement U) tliiH<br />

jrazetu-. ^^j, j^oi/ll.)<br />


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