The Cyprus Gazette

The Cyprus Gazette

The Cyprus Gazette


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256 THE CYPRUS GAZETTE, 17TH APRIL, 1936.<br />

Area "H":<br />

AU that area within the foUowing boundaries:<br />

Beginning at the north-western comer of the<br />

harbour, at the foot of the Citadel (OtheUo's<br />

Tower) and going south-eastwards along the seashore<br />

and quay to the most westem point of plot<br />

No. 1, Block C, Varosha Quarter; thence southwestwards<br />

in a straight line to the most eastern<br />

point of plot No. 33, Block B, Varosha Quarter;<br />

thence north-westwards in a straight Une to the<br />

most eastem point of plot No. 32, Block B,<br />

Varosha Quarter; thence north-westwards along<br />

the boimdary of this plot to its most northern<br />

point; thence north-westwards in a straight line<br />

to the most eastem point of the bastion, known as<br />

" Torrione del Arsenale " ; thence north-westwards<br />

along the base of the fortifications of Famagusta<br />

to the starting point.<br />

<strong>The</strong> area comprises 41 donums approximately.<br />

Area " J " :<br />

AU that area within the foUowing boundaries :<br />

Beginning on the northem side of the road at<br />

the point due north of the most northem point of<br />

plot No. 5 of the (Jovernment Survey plan,<br />

Famagusta Town, scale 1 : 1250, and going southeastwards,<br />

northwards and eastwards along the<br />

northem side of this road to the most westem<br />

point of plot No. 80 ofthe same plan ; thence northeastwards,<br />

south-eastwards and southwards along<br />

the northem and eastem boundaries of this plot<br />

to its most southem point; thence to the southeastern<br />

comer of plot No. 81 of the same plan<br />

along its northem and eastem boundaries ; thence<br />

crossing the road to the most northern point of<br />

plot No. 85 of the same plan and going southeastwards<br />

and south-westwards to the most<br />

southem point of this plot along its eastern and<br />

southem boundaries; thence south-eastwards<br />

along the eastem side of the road which is the<br />

westem boundary of the eastem rampart of<br />

Famagusta (plot No. 2 of the same plan) to the<br />

point due east of the most eastem point of plot<br />

No. 99 of the same plan ; thence south-westwards<br />

and westwards along the southem side of the road<br />

which is the northem boundary of the southem<br />

rampart of Famagusta (plot No. 2 of the same<br />

plan) to the most northem point of plot No. 562<br />

of the same plan; thence north-westwards in a<br />

straight line to the most northem point of plot No.<br />

613 of the same plan ; thence north-westwards<br />

along the westem side of the road which is the<br />

eastem boundary of the westem rampart of<br />

Famagusta (plot No. 2 of the same plan) to the<br />

starting point.<br />

(This boundary is also the intemal boundary of<br />

the Ancient Monument, Item 13, Famagusta<br />

Di.strict, First Schedule of Law 41 of 1935.)<br />

<strong>The</strong> area includes the whole of Famagusta Town<br />

within its ramparts and comprises 343 donums<br />

approximately.<br />

Made at Nicosia, this 14th day of April, 1936.<br />

(M.P. 1275/35.)<br />

No. 367. Legislatioii.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Right Honourable the Secretary of State for<br />

the Colonies has intimated that His Majesty will<br />

not be advised to exercise his power of disallowance<br />

with regard to the following Law enacted by His<br />

ExceUency the Officer Administering the Government<br />

and Commander-in-Chief of the Colony of <strong>Cyprus</strong> :—<br />

Xo. 23 of 1985.—A Law farther to amend the law<br />

relating to CuBtoma, Excise and Revenue.<br />

(M.P. 1022/35.)<br />

No. 368. Legislation.<br />

<strong>The</strong> following Law, enacted by His Excellency the<br />

Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Colony of<br />

<strong>Cyprus</strong>, is publislied for general information in a<br />

supplement to this gazette :—<br />

No. 8 of 1936.—A Law tc amend the Law regulating<br />

and controUing the sanitation on the Summer Camp<br />

on Mount Troodos. (M.P. 975/20/2.)<br />

No. 369.<br />

<strong>The</strong> following draft Bill, which will in due course<br />

be submitted for enactment, is published for general<br />

information in a supplement to this gazette :—<br />

A Law to regulate and control immigration.<br />

(M.P. 975/84/2.)<br />

No. 370. Appointments.<br />

His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to<br />

make the following appointments :—<br />

<strong>The</strong> following to be, on probation. Museum<br />

Attendants, Srd Grade, Antiquities Department.<br />

Dated lst January, 19S6 :—<br />

Mr. Chrysostomos Paraskeva. (M.P. P.2170.)<br />

Mr. Menelaos Georghiou. (M.P. P.2171.)<br />


Mr. R. P. L. Browne, Administrative Officer (Assistant<br />

Secretary), to perform the duties of Chief Assistant<br />

Secretary. Dated 16th April, 1936.<br />

(M.P. P.1043.)<br />

Captain A. B. Cavaghan, Harbour Master, to act as<br />

Collector, Customs and Inland Revenue Departmeut,<br />

from Ilth to 17th April, 19S6. (M.P. P.2111.)<br />

Mr. Paul N. Rossides, Assistant Collector, to act as<br />

Collector, Customs and Inland Revenue Department,<br />

in addition to his own duties, during the absenee of<br />

Mr. <strong>The</strong>odoros Ph. Michaelides from Gth April,<br />

1936. (M.P. P.2136.)<br />

No. 371. Leave of Absence.<br />

Mr. A. B. Wright, C.B.E., M.C, Administrative<br />

Officer (Chief Assistant Secretary), is granted<br />

vacation leave (96 days), duty leave (11 days) and<br />

passage leave (12 days) from 16th April to 12th<br />

August, 19S6. (M.P. L.5.)<br />

Mr. J. J. Holland, Divisional Engineer, Public Works<br />

Department, is granted vacation leave (76 days)and<br />

passage leave (24 days) from 11th April to 19th July,<br />

19S6. (M.P. L.1819.)<br />

Mr. A. Foggie, Assistant Conservator of Forests, lst<br />

Grade, is granted vacation leave (93 days) and<br />

passage leave (12 days) from 17th April tD SOth<br />

July, 1936. (M.P. L.1806.)<br />

Captain D. 6. Carmichael, Collector, Customs and<br />

Inland Revenue Department, is granted vacation<br />

leave from Ilth to 17th April, 1986.<br />

(M.P. L.1485.)<br />

Mr. <strong>The</strong>odoros Ph. Michaelides, Collector, Customs<br />

and Inland Revenue Department, is granted leave of<br />

absence on the ground of illness from 6th AprU to<br />

9th May, 1936. (M.P. L.618.)<br />


M. Aziz Eff., M.B.E., Chief Sanitary Inspector,<br />

Medical Department, is granted study leave, with<br />

fuU salary, from 19th April to 2 lst May, 1936.<br />

(M.P. L.91.)

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