The Cyprus Gazette

The Cyprus Gazette

The Cyprus Gazette


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21. Any person who, in any part of the Library— ub^°^ "*<br />

(a) behaves in a disorderly manner; or premisea.<br />

(h) uses violent, abusive or obscene language ; or<br />

(c) bets or gambles; or<br />

(d) after proper warning, persists in remaining in<br />

the Library or reading-room beyond the hour fixed<br />

for the closing thereof,<br />

shall be Uable to a penalty of two pounds.<br />

22. <strong>The</strong>re shaU be paid out of the Revenue of the Grvm from<br />

Colony towards the maintenance of the Library such Revenue,<br />

moneys as may from time to time be appropriated to the<br />

Library by the Governor.<br />

23. <strong>The</strong>re shall be paid out of the revenue of the Municipal ^^^^ ff*<br />

Corporation of Nicosia towards the maintenance of the MSni'd^<br />

Library such moneys as may from time to time be Corporation<br />

appropriated to the Library bj'^ the Municipal CouncU. ° ^*^°"**<br />

24. <strong>The</strong> Committee mav, with the consent of the Governor Committee<br />

in CouncU,— *^ TI ^"""^^<br />

one<br />

(a) borrow for the purposes of the Library any sum *^^J^"**<br />

of money which shall not exceed in the aggregate<br />

one thousand pounds :<br />

(b) mortgage by waA* of security for a 113' such loan any<br />

lands or buildings vested in them.<br />

26. <strong>The</strong> accounts of the Library shaU be audited by the Audit of<br />

Auditor, and a Aoarh- statement of account, in such form ^^^^"as<br />

the Auditor ma>' direct, shaU be forwarded to the<br />

Colonial Secretarv.<br />

26. All penalties imposed by this Law and aU fines Procedure<br />

prescribed by regulations made under the provisions of oTa^^S<br />

tliis Law shall be recoverable on summary conviction, and penalties,<br />

proceedings may be instituted and conducted by the<br />

Librarian or by any person authorized by the Cominittee,<br />

either generally or for any particular proceedings.<br />

27. AU penalties and fines recovered under this Law or Appropriany<br />

regidations made thereunder sliaU be paid to the sSS'and<br />

Committee. penalties.<br />

R. P. L. BROWNE,<br />

'2Ath July. 1936. Aciing Colonial Secretary.<br />

(M.P. 555/27/2.)<br />


Printed by the Gk>verimiont Printer »t the Govemmeni Printing l>rM(.'e. Nicosia.<br />


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