The Cyprus Gazette

The Cyprus Gazette

The Cyprus Gazette


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5. Section II ofthe Principal Law is hereby amended f/"^^i"n°n<br />

by the deletion of the words " paragraphs (a) and (b) " of LTW'^W<br />

(fine 18) and by the substitution therefor of the words '^ ^'^^•<br />

" paragraph (a) ".<br />

6. Section 12 of the Principal Law is hereby repealed ^^^1^^<br />

and the foUowing section substituted therefor :— Law 20 k<br />

"Offence. 12. Any person who ]ab«\i?ntion<br />

(a) acts in contravention of section 3, o or gJction<br />

6 (2) ;<br />

(b) is outside an enclosure in charge of any<br />

animals in excess to the number of animals<br />

specified in his Ucence or permit,<br />

shaU be guilty of an ofifence and shaU be Uable<br />

to imprisonment not exceeding three months<br />

or to a fine not exceeding ten pounds or to both,"<br />

7. Section 14 of the Principal Law is hereby amended Amendment<br />

by the insertion immediately after the word "charge" "fL^w°20<br />

(Une 1) of the word " of '. "^ i»35<br />

8. Section 17 of the Principal Law is herebv repealed. Rei^^aaiof<br />

•^ ^ sc-ction 17<br />

of I>aw 20<br />

of 193.5.<br />

9. <strong>The</strong> Schedule to the Principal Law is hereby amended Amendment<br />

by the deletion from Form B. thereof of the words toLaw'^So*<br />

" belonging to " and by the substitution therefor of the «' ^•'^'^^<br />

words " ordinarily in charge of ".<br />

Objects and Reasons.<br />

<strong>The</strong> main objects of this BiU are to empower the<br />

Commissioner—<br />

(a) to increase, by an endorsement on a shepherd's<br />

Ucence, the present maximum number of 80 animals<br />

specified therein to a maximum of one hundred<br />

and twenty animals for such period and on such<br />

terms and conditions as the Commissioner thinks<br />

fit (clause 2 (2) (b)) ; and<br />

(b) notwithstanding that a person has been convicted<br />

of anv of the ofifences set out in section 9 of the<br />

Principal La\\, to grant such person a shepherd's<br />

licence, provided that five years have elapsed since<br />

the expiration of the serving of any sentence imposed<br />

upon such person (clause 4 (b)).<br />

2. <strong>The</strong> opportunity has been taken of efifecting certain<br />

minor amendments to the Principal Law, which experience<br />

has shown to be necessary.<br />


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