The Cyprus Gazette

The Cyprus Gazette

The Cyprus Gazette


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PM^xwta.<br />

peixBtta.<br />

(l) any pereoii who refuses to comi>ly with the<br />

requirements of anv regulatious made under this<br />

Law in the interests of pubHc health ;<br />

(m) any person who doe.s uot fullil any other requirements<br />

which may be prescrilbed by regulattonn<br />

made under thi.s Law :<br />

(n) any alien who, if he desires to enter the (^^lony a«<br />

an immigraiit, has not in his jXissession, in addition<br />

to a yjassport bearing a Hritish Consular visa for<br />

the Colony, a certificate of immifjnition or permit<br />

granted by the Principal Tinmi^ration Officer in<br />

accordance with any rrgulations made under this<br />

Law.<br />

(2) Save as provided in this Law or any Ordrr in Council<br />

or any reiiulations made thereunder, no jK-rson M-ho ij? a<br />

pr(Aibited immigrant .-jhall )>e permitted to enter the<br />

ColonA or to re^jide therein.<br />

7. <strong>The</strong> foUoM^-ing persons, if known to the immigration<br />

officer or if their identity is f stablished to his satisfaction,<br />

shall be permitted to enter the Colony without ari\ further<br />

formaUty—<br />

(a) any native of the Colony who does not come<br />

within any of the categories enumerated ih<br />

paragraphs (^), (h), (i) or (j) of section 6(1);<br />

(6) any person in th^; serviee of the Govemment of<br />

the Colony and the wife and child of any such person ;<br />

(c) raembers of His Majesty's Naval, Militar}' or Air<br />

Forces on the active liftt;<br />

(d) any person duly acjert who has been ordinarily<br />

resident in the Colony for a period of seven years<br />

or more, and who does not come within any oJ the<br />

cate^'ories enumerated in paragraphs (/), (^), (h),<br />

(?) or (j) of section 6 (1).<br />

8.—(1) Subject UJ the provisions of section 7 no person<br />

shaU enter the Colony without a passport and any person<br />

so doing shaU be deemed to be a prohibited imrniirant:<br />

Provided that the Principal Immigration Officer may in<br />

exceptional cases dispense with the requirements of this<br />

sub-.section.<br />

(2) No aUen shaU enter the Colony unless his i)assport<br />

bears a British Consular visa for the Colony and any aUen<br />

so doing fcliaU be deemed to be a prohibited immigrant.<br />

(3) <strong>The</strong> Governor may from time to time bv Order direct<br />

that passports or British Consular visa« may"^be dispensed<br />

with in the case of—<br />

(a) ^he nationals of any country, or<br />

(b) any cla.s8 of persons as may be specified in the<br />

Order.<br />

9. An immigration officer may issue to any pa.ssenger<br />

on an aircraft or ship in transit a landing permit in<br />

exchange for his yjassport which shall entitle the holder to<br />

remain in the Colony for sueh time as such aircTaft or ship<br />

remains in the airport or in the Colony's waters as the case<br />

may be. <strong>The</strong> passport of any such pp^ssenger shaU be<br />

retumed to him upon re-embarkation.<br />



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