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334Statistical annexPopulation, urban and rural: Mid-year estimates andprojections (medium variant) <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> population residing inhuman settlements classified as urban or rural.Poverty definitions: National poverty rate: Percentage <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> population living below <strong>the</strong> national poverty line.National estimates are based on population-weighted subgroupestimates from household surveys. Survey year is <strong>the</strong>year in which <strong>the</strong> underlying data were collected. Populationbelow US$1 a day and Population below US$2 a day:Percentages <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> population living on less than US$1.08 aday and US$2.15 a day at 1993 international prices (equivalentto US$1 and US$2 in 1985 prices, adjusted forpurchasing power parity).Prevalence <strong>of</strong> HIV, 15-49 age group: The percentage <strong>of</strong>population aged 15-49 years who are infected with HIV.Prosecution staff: Prosecution personnel - a government<strong>of</strong>ficial whose duty is to initiate and maintain criminalproceedings on behalf <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> state against persons accused <strong>of</strong>committing a criminal <strong>of</strong>fence. In some countries, a prosecutoris a member <strong>of</strong> a separate agency, in o<strong>the</strong>rs, a prosecutoris a member <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> police or judiciary.Rape: Sexual intercourse without valid consent by one <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> parties involved.Refugees, asylum-seekers and o<strong>the</strong>rs concern: Data areprovided by governments based on <strong>the</strong>ir own definitions andmethods <strong>of</strong> collection. Total asylum-seekers, refugees ando<strong>the</strong>rs <strong>of</strong> concern to <strong>the</strong> <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> High Commissionerfor Refugees (UNHCR) include <strong>the</strong> following. Refugees:Persons recognized as refugees under <strong>the</strong> internationalconventions, in accordance with <strong>the</strong> UNHCR Statute;persons allowed to stay on humanitarian grounds and thosegranted temporary protection. Asylum-seekers: Personswhose application for refugee status is pending in <strong>the</strong> asylumprocedure or who are o<strong>the</strong>rwise registered as asylumseekers.The total number <strong>of</strong> asylum-seekers isunderestimated due to a lack <strong>of</strong> data from a number <strong>of</strong>countries. Returned refugees: Refugees who have returnedto <strong>the</strong>ir country <strong>of</strong> origin during <strong>the</strong> year. Internallydisplaced persons (IDPs): Persons who are displaced within<strong>the</strong>ir country and to whom UNHCR extends protection orassistance, generally pursuant to a special request by acompetent organ <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong>. Returned IDPs: IDPs<strong>of</strong> concern to UNHCR who have returned to <strong>the</strong>ir place <strong>of</strong>origin during <strong>the</strong> year. Stateless Person: Any person who isnot considered as a national by any state through its nationalitylegislation or constitution. This definition refers mainly tode jure stateless persons but also includes de facto statelesspersons as well as persons who have difficulties establishing<strong>the</strong>ir nationality. Refugees and asylum seekers by place <strong>of</strong>origin excludes stateless persons.Regulatory quality: The ability <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> government t<strong>of</strong>ormulate and implement sound policies and regulations thatpermit and promote private sector development.Roads: Motorways, highways, main or national roads, andsecondary or regional roads. A motorway is a road speciallydesigned and built for motor vehicles that separates <strong>the</strong>traffic flowing in opposite directions. Total road network:Includes motorways, highways and main or national roads,secondary or regional roads, and all o<strong>the</strong>r roads in a country.Paved roads: Roads surfaced with crushed stone (macadam)and hydrocarbon binder or bitumized agents, with concreteor with cobblestones, as a percentage <strong>of</strong> all <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> country’sroads measured in length.Robbery: The <strong>the</strong>ft <strong>of</strong> property from a person, overcomingresistance by force or threat <strong>of</strong> force.<strong>Rule</strong> <strong>of</strong> law: The extent to which agents have confidence inand abide by <strong>the</strong> rules <strong>of</strong> society, and in particular <strong>the</strong> quality<strong>of</strong> contract enforcement, <strong>the</strong> police, and <strong>the</strong> courts, as wellas <strong>the</strong> likelihood <strong>of</strong> crime and violence.Slum dwellers: Individuals residing in housing with one ormore <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> following conditions: inadequate drinking water;inadequate sanitation; poor structural quality/durability <strong>of</strong>housing; overcrowding; and insecurity <strong>of</strong> tenure.Theft: The removal <strong>of</strong> property without <strong>the</strong> propertyowner’s consent. Theft excludes burglary and housebreakingas well as <strong>the</strong>ft <strong>of</strong> a motor vehicle. Some criminal andpenal codes distinguish between grand and petty <strong>the</strong>ft,depending on <strong>the</strong> value <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> goods and property taken from<strong>the</strong>ir rightful owner.Transport used for work trips: Percentage <strong>of</strong> work tripsundertaken by private car; train, tram or ferry; bus orminibus; o<strong>the</strong>r (motorcycle, bicycle and o<strong>the</strong>r non-motorizedmodes). When several modes <strong>of</strong> transport are used for agiven trip, <strong>the</strong> principal mode is selected.Travel time: Average time in minutes for a one-way worktrip. This is an average over all modes <strong>of</strong> transport.Urban agglomerations and capital cities: The term ‘urbanagglomeration’ refers to <strong>the</strong> population contained within <strong>the</strong>contours <strong>of</strong> a contiguous territory inhabited at urban densitylevels without regard to administrative boundaries. It usuallyincorporates <strong>the</strong> population in a city or town plus that in <strong>the</strong>suburban areas lying outside <strong>of</strong> but being adjacent to <strong>the</strong> cityboundaries. Whenever possible, data classified according to<strong>the</strong> concept <strong>of</strong> urban agglomeration are used. However,some countries do not produce data according to <strong>the</strong>concept <strong>of</strong> urban agglomeration but use instead that <strong>of</strong>metropolitan area or city proper. If possible, such data areadjusted to conform to <strong>the</strong> concept <strong>of</strong> urban agglomeration.When sufficient information is not available to permit suchan adjustment, data based on <strong>the</strong> concept <strong>of</strong> city proper ormetropolitan area are used. The sources listed onlineindicate whe<strong>the</strong>r data were adjusted to conform to <strong>the</strong> urbanagglomeration concept or whe<strong>the</strong>r a different concept wasused. Table C.1 contains revised estimates and projectionsfor all urban agglomerations comprising 750,000 or moreinhabitants.

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