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Index441Kosovo, security <strong>of</strong> tenure 131, 145labour markets 70Lagos (Nigeria)response capacity 211security <strong>of</strong> tenure 315–316land administration 143–145land marketsdisaster impacts 179tenure security 268land registries 144land rights 17, 297land sharing 269landslides 167, 185, 196land subsidence 185land tenure 8, 116, 117, 137land titling 126, 140–143, 216, 313land use 32cost–benefit analysis 285–286crime prevention 69disaster impacts 177disaster risk reduction 165, 205, 238planning 188–189, 227, 283–287planning maps 197slums 205–207law enforcement 87lawsforced eviction 145–148local 8see also international lawlearning culture 84leasehold 115Leeds (UK), automatic speed limiters 226legislationdisaster risk reduction 287housing rights 313road safety 227security <strong>of</strong> tenure 263, 316see also international lawLima (Peru)insecurity 19risk assessment 200linguistic barriers 290livelihood losses 177, 280local governmentbuilding codes 187crime and violence 74, 93–96, 105, 235disaster impacts 174–175, 182disaster response 213–214disaster risk 165disaster risk reduction 202, 203–204, 216, 237finance 211–212institutional capacity 33–34partnerships 253, 254reconstruction 165, 213resilience 39security <strong>of</strong> tenure 272–273spatial partnerships 254London (UK)heatwaves 197public transportation 226transit terrorism 66longer-term shelter strategies 281machismo 103macro-economy 30Maharashtra Emergency Earthquake RehabilitationProgramme (MEERP) 296malaria 10Malaysia, expropriation 127MANDISA (Monitoring, Mapping and Analysis <strong>of</strong> DisasterIncidents in South Africa) 285mangrove ecosystems 185Manila, disaster risk reduction 203manslaughter 54mappingrisk 164, 285, 291, 319vulnerability 24, 279marginalization, risk reduction 169market-based evictions 15, 126mass displacements 112, 124mass transit systems 66MDGs see Millennium Development Goalsmediaclimate change 290coverage 3, 19culture <strong>of</strong> fear 49–50disaster preparedness 291disaster risk education 298MEERP (Maharashtra Emergency Earthquake RehabilitationProgramme) 296megacities 183, 208Mexicoearly warning systems 291housing rights 148natural disasters 190security <strong>of</strong> tenure 150Mexico City (Mexico)crime and violence 13, 30disaster impacts 182disaster risk 202earthquakes 322–323reconstruction 216, 294tenure insecurity 32urbanization 183micr<strong>of</strong>inance 203, 204micro-insurance 294migrant workershousing 264security <strong>of</strong> tenure 133, 314Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 119, 138, 189,203, 210, 237, 270, 278–279misery, villages <strong>of</strong> 16mitigation 168, 179modernization perspective 71Monitoring, Mapping and Analysis <strong>of</strong> Disaster Incidents inSouth Africa (MANDISA) 285mortality see deaths

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