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380Enhancing Urban Safety and SecurityTABLE B.12continuedRates are per 100 000 population (latest available data)Police staffRecorded crimesYear grand intent homicide non-int assault rape robbery major <strong>the</strong>ft automob burglary fraud embez- drug briberytotal commit attempt homicide <strong>the</strong>ft <strong>the</strong>ft zlement <strong>of</strong>fenceEUROPEAlbania 2001 424.52 149.11 6.64 9.99 0.32 17.72 1.63 8.17 … 39.62 5.36 968.45 2.04 … 10.86 0.03Albania 2002 380.54 168.35 5.68 7.40 0.51 17.59 1.43 6.98 … 41.97 6.29 1,141.86 1.21 … 7.94 0.16Austria 2001 311.43 6,034.16 0.87 1.10 1.49 371.05 7.15 2.21 67.07 2,001.52 71.46 … 309.42 34.44 272.19 0.29Austria 2002 305.08 6,863.95 0.81 1.29 1.35 392.35 7.77 2.23 71.40 2,423.15 68.20 … 389.24 36.39 278.60 2.44Belarus 2001 … 1,125.27 9.72 1.78 0.77 19.86 7.49 66.68 45.14 525.95 16.63 267.66 27.10 0.00 43.46 9.74Belarus 2002 … 1,338.71 9.96 1.95 0.94 21.32 8.59 66.66 50.92 600.77 19.57 260.23 22.43 0.02 53.43 11.89Belgium 2001 … 9,240.04 1.80 4.18 0.22 580.64 22.50 114.75 … 3,529.71 … 778.43 101.45 76.47 390.92 0.72Belgium 2002 357.50 9,421.74 1.50 4.27 0.40 597.65 23.57 109.06 … 3,559.86 … 798.57 93.17 77.53 395.39 0.56Bulgaria 1998 … 1,986.05 4.61 2.82 1.20 40.66 9.34 54.43 … 658.37 96.97 530.82 79.62 26.14 9.25 1.11Bulgaria 1999 … 1,767.00 3.98 3.30 1.15 40.08 9.02 49.27 … 572.43 94.35 402.10 94.32 30.54 9.84 1.38Bulgaria 2000 … 1,823.38 4.07 2.14 1.37 37.76 7.26 52.23 … 583.00 138.13 483.11 84.51 25.30 5.19 0.53Croatia 2001 514.25 2,185.39 1.86 4.01 0.07 99.31 3.88 5.52 315.17 556.99 49.80 479.78 96.93 2.78 215.35 14.03Croatia 2002 446.23 2,281.14 1.79 4.17 0.18 121.03 3.70 4.97 306.09 600.54 53.84 498.05 80.31 1.86 242.31 9.63Czech Republic 2001 447.80 3,507.21 2.29 … 0.44 69.50 5.50 59.56 … 1,389.19 230.23 617.83 232.61 91.79 35.17 1.99Czech Republic 2002 458.48 3,650.04 2.29 … 0.48 72.05 6.40 60.25 … 1,363.88 256.28 706.21 249.22 78.37 37.84 1.68Denmark 2001 … 8,831.69 0.97 2.74 0.19 188.09 9.20 122.68 … 3,397.87 549.80 1,772.92 133.50 12.22 16.59 0.09Denmark 2002 192.09 9,137.07 1.04 3.03 0.19 192.22 9.30 83.01 … 3,483.94 541.51 1,920.64 140.17 11.97 19.59 0.07Estonia 1999 258.46 3,716.75 11.32 3.10 0.72 30.00 4.25 354.66 … 743.36 177.04 1,717.50 95.91 31.01 21.42 3.68Estonia 2000 265.38 4,221.99 10.45 3.36 1.97 33.60 5.33 347.26 … 1,038.86 169.61 1,699.85 131.63 35.79 115.49 4.75Finland 2001 159.46 9,949.40 3.01 7.07 0.64 526.77 8.85 69.36 6.90 2,104.47 435.29 1,472.82 264.61 58.98 286.60 1.33Finland 2002 160.09 10,005.65 2.54 7.16 0.52 538.99 10.60 71.36 7.56 2,180.77 444.60 1,400.60 300.15 62.38 266.53 1.31France 1999 205.46 6,088.51 1.63 1.78 … 162.52 13.58 35.94 2,483.47 3,843.90 506.92 631.53 162.87 … 173.79 …France 2000 211.01 6,403.82 1.78 1.89 … 180.79 14.36 41.26 2,580.14 3,963.83 511.95 629.87 242.08 … 176.11 …Germany 2001 … 7,729.42 1.05 2.15 1.06 146.17 9.58 32.58 … 3,678.76 91.59 1,248.98 1,124.95 … 299.42 4.74Germany 2002 303.17 7,888.23 1.11 2.12 1.00 153.87 10.44 33.36 … 3,817.23 85.60 1,279.85 1,123.59 … 304.22 3.92Greece 1999 … 2,367.80 1.48 1.42 0.40 68.25 2.28 19.50 4.60 542.22 162.77 351.88 6.40 … 63.73 …Greece 2000 … 969.65 0.76 0.65 0.18 31.34 1.08 7.86 1.48 235.84 80.06 149.99 3.69 … 33.30 …Hungary 2001 283.16 4,571.45 2.49 1.51 0.20 107.75 5.78 13.83 49.00 1,573.28 91.12 672.42 350.23 83.31 43.33 8.21Hungary 2002 286.57 4,141.96 2.00 1.54 0.24 115.97 5.89 11.27 43.40 1,451.34 82.23 578.21 248.85 49.50 47.11 7.81Iceland 2001 285.11 19,043.26 0.35 1.77 0.35 492.55 18.09 65.95 … 2,490.07 … 1,013.12 143.62 26.60 323.05 0.35Iceland 2002 289.79 21,211.97 1.41 0.35 – 447.18 26.06 69.35 … 2,597.89 … 1,129.58 157.04 35.56 350.00 0.00Ireland 1998 302.67 2,306.76 1.02 0.13 0.35 255.74 7.87 102.83 24.14 1,129.26 371.58 693.16 83.41 1.02 161.21 0.05Ireland 1999 305.38 2,166.15 1.01 0.16 0.24 264.42 5.81 64.34 20.63 826.55 395.82 614.13 40.75 1.01 190.22 0.03Italy 2001 555.68 3,749.81 1.23 2.52 0.88 53.19 4.24 5.03 … 2,258.65 408.88 317.99 67.47 … 62.46 …Italy 2002 558.99 3,868.17 1.12 2.70 0.63 49.75 4.41 5.49 … 2,262.52 403.13 293.69 94.17 … 65.81 …Latvia 2001 451.21 2,165.41 9.28 0.89 0.85 34.89 5.13 120.19 62.40 1,216.49 117.38 523.27 29.33 23.95 35.18 3.05Latvia 2002 441.62 2,109.88 9.15 1.11 0.47 37.72 4.53 130.73 54.53 1,161.68 121.69 526.60 24.51 20.19 26.90 2.01Lithuania 2001 349.20 2,276.42 10.14 0.72 0.69 39.78 5.05 69.77 263.01 1,407.09 167.20 248.33 52.84 31.30 29.84 3.04Lithuania 2002 336.64 2,670.68 8.45 0.58 0.66 48.08 5.42 96.62 330.18 1,216.75 164.77 201.47 58.72 33.50 27.01 1.67Luxembourg 2001 282.05 5,146.82 1.36 10.00 – 265.45 5.68 8.93 … 1,665.00 133.86 658.64 5.91 1.59 244.77 0.00Luxembourg 2002 294.37 5,866.22 0.90 12.84 0.45 299.10 8.78 18.12 … 1,922.52 129.50 664.86 38.51 4.28 297.52 0.68Malta 2001 447.59 4,032.66 1.52 1.77 … 189.11 2.28 … 2,119.49 214.68 … 146.84 … 97.97 …Malta 2002 452.39 4,287.91 1.51 3.02 1.51 207.30 1.26 … 2,297.48 178.09 … 144.58 … 85.89 …Ne<strong>the</strong>rlands 2001 203.17 8,464.47 1.23 9.36 … 303.55 10.76 42.72 … 4,732.09 218.45 571.69 143.01 53.30 64.72 …Ne<strong>the</strong>rlands 2002 212.35 8,813.57 0.97 9.84 … 325.33 11.16 46.56 … 4,782.74 219.18 639.52 152.15 54.98 78.56 …Norway 1999 240.94 7,083.50 0.83 1.48 1.05 294.15 10.47 38.07 1,602.85 4,217.20 467.78 107.11 253.14 48.97 924.42 …Norway 2000 247.92 7,349.61 1.09 1.51 0.91 327.92 12.36 39.66 1,557.36 4,281.34 519.68 117.95 273.77 54.00 987.09 …Poland 2001 260.79 3,597.44 2.01 1.40 0.40 81.10 6.05 171.48 0.62 660.86 153.87 842.88 238.74 … 75.64 6.03Poland 2002 258.98 3,672.89 1.87 1.22 0.44 81.00 6.13 170.60 0.51 683.34 140.39 796.77 248.00 … 94.63 6.30Portugal 2001 455.85 2,149.78 … 0.42 1.59 219.52 3.68 15.47 … 1,329.91 257.62 227.53 59.75 14.63 45.95 0.88Portugal 2002 449.80 2,145.62 … 0.36 1.90 229.71 4.25 13.57 … 1,453.85 300.28 210.36 47.97 13.50 36.93 1.11Republic <strong>of</strong>Moldova 2001 314.54 885.95 8.36 1.36 0.44 26.04 4.43 34.66 30.40 479.18 16.46 50.61 27.40 … 44.43 3.84Republic <strong>of</strong>Moldova 2002 323.53 853.16 7.99 1.43 0.45 27.92 4.79 29.76 23.29 426.23 14.38 36.38 25.55 … 58.31 2.30Romania 2001 199.35 1,519.16 2.66 2.65 … 58.00 5.66 23.00 … 425.36 8.37 78.45 84.07 18.98 2.98 56.73Romania 2002 207.83 1,400.02 2.52 2.18 … 49.94 5.62 26.19 … 326.37 5.50 53.87 69.35 14.26 5.79 49.09Russian Federation 1999 … 2,055.99 19.27 2.06 1.04 … 5.01 95.19 … 968.36 18.80 … 57.30 33.23 148.19 4.67Russian Federation 2000 … 2,022.17 19.80 2.00 1.15 … 4.78 90.68 … 897.31 17.88 … 55.80 36.70 166.83 4.83Slovakia 2001 385.67 1,729.93 2.40 … … 77.47 3.14 27.26 3.72 426.47 94.61 437.57 60.27 25.64 19.35 1.54Slovakia 2002 376.39 1,996.15 2.57 … … 89.25 3.18 25.36 2.88 509.65 89.14 409.67 139.28 44.62 20.80 2.58Slovenia 2001 360.24 4,049.52 1.42 2.53 2.18 111.79 5.01 461.80 43.50 1,446.13 43.40 748.71 227.52 21.75 292.97 3.54Slovenia 2002 364.15 4,159.73 1.83 2.65 2.04 127.34 4.99 503.79 44.65 1,450.31 47.35 800.66 271.69 24.90 284.27 3.56Spain 1999 295.01 2,441.08 1.16 1.63 0.18 224.70 14.86 1,332.23 232.02 1,414.71 352.69 68.28 41.11 12.64 31.44 0.14Spain 2000 292.80 2,337.39 1.25 1.77 0.24 228.99 14.34 1,258.89 248.92 1,365.92 340.72 60.39 39.14 11.02 27.93 0.13Sweden 2001 181.25 13,372.98 1.88 8.15 2.29 668.55 23.43 31.20 … 7,496.75 675.11 1,326.56 397.13 21.16 364.35 …Sweden 2002 180.96 13,836.67 2.45 8.15 2.38 690.62 24.47 33.54 … 7,694.69 687.47 1,352.92 411.41 23.22 425.87 …Switzerland 2001 205.84 3,811.24 2.42 1.23 … 79.77 6.28 10.18 … 1,677.39 888.41 793.46 144.48 31.42 637.75 …Switzerland 2002 203.66 4,219.90 2.92 1.74 … 83.99 6.64 11.29 … 1,995.53 899.47 834.32 141.66 35.38 674.91 …TFYR Macedonia 1999 473.18 1,113.63 1.88 2.48 0.05 10.36 1.98 11.01 547.94 724.49 17.35 … 28.66 1.98 14.53 3.77TFYR Macedonia 2000 481.98 975.58 2.31 3.79 0.20 10.14 1.33 14.57 434.27 662.48 14.92 … 23.49 1.33 21.27 1.97Ukraine 1999 … 1,119.67 8.52 0.75 0.74 9.65 2.58 42.65 118.55 351.58 6.41 … 32.22 21.32 85.35 4.66Ukraine 2000 … 1,118.37 8.93 0.78 0.68 10.63 2.33 43.29 120.10 357.58 6.39 … 29.56 21.38 92.03 4.59<strong>United</strong> Kingdom 2001 252.21 10,399.77 1.76 2.89 0.02 970.52 17.95 148.45 … 4,142.20 614.72 1,592.82 582.18 30.66 268.69 1.82<strong>United</strong> Kingdom 2002 257.60 11,014.38 2.03 3.08 0.03 1,222.18 22.62 145.87 … 4,299.76 587.84 1,606.34 604.75 30.65 309.68 2.25

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