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<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld Feb 12)<br />

WRN says they are definitely using Kostinbrod for DRM, whatever your<br />

suppositions. Hmm, the last two links originate with Pan American<br />

Broadcasting, the Cupertino CA broker, and EGR must stand for European<br />

Gospel Radio, a.k.a. IRRS/NEXUS-IBA, tying them all in with Bulgaria.<br />

(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Feb 12)<br />

Here are the presumed Kostinbrod pictures in their context:<br />

<br />

They refer to IRRS txions, and Olle Alm identified the antenna systems as<br />

Russian designs, so we believe that these pictures are authentic. Perhaps<br />

IRRS sent them out for presentation purposes. Mathias Krause ("Radio 73")<br />

just booked airtime at IRRS for his monthly program and talks about Milano<br />

as site, so apparently they still tell people that they transmit from<br />

Italian soil.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld Feb 12)<br />

CANADA 12025 Radio Akhbar Mufriha QSL.<br />

I received a full-data, including site, personal letter for Radio Akhbar<br />

Mufriha via Sackville on 12025, 51 weeks after sending a report to<br />

Apartado 353, ES-29080, Malaga, Spain. Daniel Berger, Secretary,<br />

apologized for the delay in responding.<br />

(Wendel Craighead-KS-USA, <strong>DX</strong>plorer Feb 15)<br />

6160 CBC(CKZU). On Feb 11 at 0802-0820 UT. SINPO 23332. CBC nx till 0804<br />

UT, then weather report. Music program from 0805. ID was heard at the end<br />

of the nx at 0804 UT as "... from National nx sce ... This is CBC radio<br />

...".<br />

(Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, Feb 17)<br />

CHINA B05 Shortwave Frequency list.<br />

9890 CNR 1 2000-2400 Chinese 100 286 Lingshi CNR1 = 13700<br />

9890 CNR 8 0000-0100 Uighur 100 286 Lingshi CNR8<br />

9890 CNR 8 0100-0200 Kazakh 100 286 Lingshi CNR8<br />

9890 CNR 8 1100-1200 Uighur 100 286 Lingshi CNR8<br />

9890 CNR 1 1200-1400 Chinese 100 286 Lingshi CNR1<br />

9890 CNR 8 1400-1500 Kazakh 100 286 Lingshi CNR8<br />

9890 CNR 8 1500-1600 Uighur 100 286 Lingshi CNR8<br />

9890 CNR 8 1600-1700 Mongolian 100 286 Lingshi CNR8 = 13700<br />

11810 CNR 8 0000-0100 Uighur 100 283 Beijing CNR8 Dec 29<br />

11810 CNR 8 0100-0200 Kazakh 100 283 Beijing CNR8 Dec 29<br />

(Shigenori Aoki-JPN, N<strong>DX</strong>C-JPN, Feb 17)<br />

CYPRUS Freq change for BBC WS in English to Russia:<br />

1600-1700 NF 7285* CYP 300 kW 007 deg, x15565 RMP 500 kW / 062 deg<br />

*co-ch Polish Radio in Esperanto till 1625<br />

(R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc BC-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 14)<br />

DENMARK Kaj Wilhelmsen, Eigentuemer des daenischen Lokalradiosenders<br />

"Radio Holger", ist am Montag zu zwei Wochen Haft auf Bewaehrung<br />

verurteilt worden. Er hatte im Juli letzten Jahres in einer Sendung zur<br />

Vertreibung und Ausrottung von Muslimen aufgerufen. Woertlich: "Entweder<br />

muss man alle fremden Muslime aus Westeuropa vertreiben, damit sie keine<br />

Bomben mehr legen koennen, oder man muss die fanatischen Muslime<br />

ausrotten, das heisst einen bedeutenden Anteil der Muslim-Einwanderer<br />

totschlagen."<br />

(die taz berichtete)<br />

Fuer eine Reihe aehnlicher Aussagen auf der Internetseite des Radios wurde

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