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(RNW MN NL Feb 24)<br />

The closure of the Kavala station has been rumoured already for some time<br />

and is hardly a surprise. However, Rhodes is a different story. A look at<br />

the maps suggests that it should put a better signal of Radio Sawa into<br />

Syria and vicinity than Kuwait. I suspect that pulling out Greece entirely<br />

is BBG's only option to get rid of Kavala, since otherwhise they would<br />

certainly keep the Rhodes tx for Radio Sawa, all-important as a weapon in<br />

the "war on terrorism". Or is 1260 kHz much poorer than one would assume<br />

in theory?<br />

Regarding Voice of Greece: A considerable amount of their txions direct<br />

from Greece originates from Kavala as well. Current schedule is 0000-0400<br />

on 9375 and 12105, 0400-0700 on 15650 and 17520, 0900-1000 on 15650 and<br />

21530, 1100-1400 on 17525, 1100-1600 on 12105, 1400-2000 on 7430, 1600-<br />

2000 on 7475, 2000-2400 on 9375 and 12105, i.e. two txs most of the day.<br />

Years ago they received some of the Gloria txs as gift, but what are the<br />

actual capabilities of ERA's own Avlis site now, especially in regard of<br />

antennas?<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, wwdxc BC-<strong>DX</strong> Feb 25)<br />

And they never got around to installing and activating some of the gifts<br />

from Gloria. Maybe now, if they haven't totally deteriorated?<br />

(gh, dxld Feb 27)<br />

Comment on Voice of Greece schedule So the situation is quite obvious: ERA<br />

has the ex-Gloria txs but no antennas to run them were constructed until<br />

today. Apparently they just took one of the donated 250 kW beasts and<br />

connected it somehow, i.e. probably not through the existing switching<br />

matrix, to either an existing or makeshift antenna, creating a system<br />

which is not frequency-agile and good for 70 kW only. I guess the costs of<br />

high power antennas prevented them to establish any further use of the<br />

donated equipment so far.<br />

It is also obvious now that at present indeed no operational SW equipment<br />

exists at the old VOA station near Thessaloniki, despite all the THE<br />

registrations. So only the ancient 150 kW mediumwave transmitter (ex-791,<br />

now 1044) or perhaps a new mediumwave rig is still on air there. It seems<br />

to be an educated guess that the antennas of the decommissioned 35 kW SW<br />

txs are of no use for the ex-Gloria equipment.<br />

By the way, 7430 from Kavala is such a poor signal here in Central Europe<br />

that one has to doubt the 355 degrees azimuth. Sounds like beaming to<br />

somewhere else, despite the programming being meant for Europe (Germany,<br />

etc).<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld Mar 1)<br />

IBB closing down: This is, if correct, pretty significant. It would<br />

evidently include both Kavala (MF and HF) and Rhodos (MF only now, as HF<br />

was shut down not too long after a complete rebuild of all the HF<br />

antennas). Rhodos particularly is an important site for area E. of the<br />

Maghreb.<br />

(Aaron Zawitzky, dxld Feb 27)<br />

Back in July 3, 1992, "I had a letter from the former freq manager of VOG:<br />

"According to the bilateral agreement between Greece and USA, we can<br />

transmit our programs for 12 hours. The agreement was ratified by the<br />

Greek parliament at the end of January. Since that day the agreement was<br />

effective. But, there were some problems . . .<br />

"Greenville and Delano cannot cover areas such as Australia and Pacific,<br />

Japan, coast of China because it seems that they have removed the antennas<br />

... I need freqs in the 15 MHz. band (272 azimuth) which they do not have.

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