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15). Their HFCC registration shows only one sender: 11700 0700 0800<br />

37W,46W ISS 500 204 but a schedule I received earlier this year shows two<br />

from ISS. One of 250 kW at 155 deg and one of 500 kW at 200 deg so I don't<br />

know which is correct. However, this sounded like a "real echo" and not a<br />

delayed feed to one tx. Whichever beam is in use the path is a very<br />

interesting one to result in this effect.<br />

(Noel R. Green-UK, dxld Sep 15)<br />

In B06 winter season as usual RFI French 11700 at 0600-0700 on two 500 kW<br />

units at 155[TUN, TCD, COG] and 185[ALG, MLI, BEN] degr. At 0700-0800 UT<br />

on 185 and 204[MRC, SEN] degrs. Main back lobe travels around the world<br />

via northern Finland, northern Norway and via Greenland-Alaska into<br />

Pacific, Tahiti? and via Antarctic and Ascension back into Europe. (wb)<br />

FRANCE/MONACO 1467 ERF/TWR reduces 1467 usage Evangeliums-Rundfunk, the<br />

German branch of Trans World Radio, will cancel the 2030-2100 (summer<br />

1930-2000) txion via Roumoules-1467 as of B06 but keep the 0445-0515<br />

(summer 0345-0415) for whatever reason, stating that it will save them<br />

150,000 Euros annually, see below.<br />

They planned to abandon 1467 already for some time, stating that airtime<br />

on this tx is five times as expensive as on Mainflingen 1539 kHz [German<br />

Telekom T-systems site, wb.] which now provides good nighttime coverage of<br />

Germany with a new NVIS antenna.<br />

(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld Sept 4)<br />

ERF stellt Abendprogramm ueber Radio Monte Carlo ein.<br />

Der Evangeliums-Rundfunk (ERF) in Wetzlar wird Ende Oktober seine<br />

taeglichen Abendsendungen ueber den Mittelwellensender von Radio Monte<br />

Carlo (1.467 kHz) einstellen. Das gab ERF-Direktor Juergen Werth bekannt.<br />

Als Gruende nannte er die verbesserten Empfangsmoeglichkeiten ueber den<br />

Sender Mainflingen bei Hanau, die vielfaeltigen weiteren<br />

Empfangsmoeglichkeiten sowie die Kostenersparnis von fast 150.000 Euro<br />

jaehrlich. Weitere Infos dazu unter -<br />

einen schoenen Sonntag, wuenscht,<br />

(Tom Kamp-D DF5JL, A-<strong>DX</strong> Sept 4 and via dxld)<br />

5940 1400-1500 28 MC 100 13 GER<br />

5965 0930-1015 28 MC 100 13 GER<br />

6230 0930-1015 28 MC 100 13 GER<br />

6230 1400-1500 28 MC 100 13 GER<br />

7160 0930-1015 28 MC 100 26 GER<br />

7160 1400-1500 28 MC 100 26 GER<br />

7270 1630-1700 28NW MC 100 10 [??, wb.]<br />

9800 0745-0920 27 MC 100 324 ENG<br />

[5940 and 5965 are tentat. registrations, for 6230 replacement, when<br />

affliction occur by foreign maritime stations, wb.]<br />

GERMANY Music test of CVC International from August 21:<br />

1200-1500 on 13830*JUL 100 kW / 060 deg to EaEu in Russian, xEnglish<br />

1500-1700 on 13800 JUL 100 kW / 060 deg to EaEu in Russian, xEnglish<br />

* co-ch Radio Free Asia in Tibetan+Chinese Mx Jammer<br />

(R BULGARIA <strong>DX</strong> MIX <strong>News</strong>, Ivo Ivanov, via wwdxc BC-<strong>DX</strong> Sept 5)<br />

Some DTK T-Systems changes:<br />

Bible Voice Broadcasting Network (BVBN) from Sep.4/5<br />

1500-1600 on 13840 WER 250 kW / 060 deg Monday to SAs in Hindi, x1530-16<br />

1530-1600 on 13840 WER 250 kW / 060 deg Tue-Fri to SAs in Hindi, xMon-Fri<br />

1800-1815 on 13590 JUL 100 kW / 115 deg Tuesday to ME in English, deleted<br />

Hrvatska Radio/Voice of Croatia in Croatian/English/Spanish from Sep.7:<br />

0600-1000 NF 11610 JUL 100 kW / 270 deg to AUS, x11690, re-ex 13820<br />

(R BULGARIA <strong>DX</strong> MIX <strong>News</strong>, Ivo Ivanov, via wwdxc BC-<strong>DX</strong> Sept 12)

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