Information supplémentaire - Gouvernement du Nouveau-Brunswick

Information supplémentaire - Gouvernement du Nouveau-Brunswick

Information supplémentaire - Gouvernement du Nouveau-Brunswick


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Department of Family and Community Services / Ministère des Services familiaux et communautaires<br />


Quimper, Anne $ 59,893 Roussel, Josée C $ 49,853 Simard, Marie-Pierre $ 53,196 Theriault, Rachel $ 43,038<br />

Ramsay, Deyanne 70,720 Rousselle, Claudine 51,630 Simmons, Laurence 55,796 Theriault, Yvon 59,285<br />

Randall, Andrea J 46,698 Rousselle, Mariette 47,230 Sirois, Luc J 71,238 Thibault, Georgette 46,993<br />

Rawlinson, Mary 56,975 Rousselle, Martine 51,042 Skidd, Michael J 53,196 Thibodeau, Berthe 57,405<br />

Rayne, Karrie 41,850 Rousselle-McKinney, Nicole 62,088 Slaney, Janice 54,319 Thibodeau, Charlene M. 46,606<br />

Rayner, Alan 60,163 Roy, Camilien 52,459 Smith, Debra 51,685 Thibodeau, George 53,196<br />

Raynes, Eric 48,320 Roy, Camille 56,522 Smith, Mary I 54,319 Thibodeau, Jacinthe 42,768<br />

Reade Craft, M. Debra 55,287 Roy, Carole 44,176 Smith, Patricia 53,348 Thibodeau, Lise 47,564<br />

Reagon, Twilla M 58,690 Roy, Jean Guy 50,127 Smith, Victoria H 51,105 Thomas, Janet 88,634<br />

Redman, Gisèle 40,560 Roy, Jean-Roch 52,488 Sonier, Mario 54,723 Thomas, Josh E. 40,692<br />

Richard, Dale 67,508 Roy, Michael J 53,432 Soucie, Tony 65,972 Thomas, Lori 45,875<br />

Richard, Dominic 49,950 Ryan, Denis 45,989 Soucy, Kelly Ann 41,558 Thomas, Margaret J 53,196<br />

Richard, Elizabeth 53,196 Ryan, Stephanie 42,950 Soucy, Michelle S 55,367 Thompson, Bonnie A 51,188<br />

Richard, Huguette 50,599 Salib, Marcos 58,446 Soucy, Paul E 52,724 Thompson, Dana 46,548<br />

Richard, Jeanne 52,230 Sampson, Vera M 53,196 St Onge, Diana M 45,012 Thompson, Susan 50,572<br />

Richard, Lisa 44,887 Saulnier-Roussel, Claire 55,796 Stack, Heather A 68,400 Thomson, Allan 53,196<br />

Richard, Lise M 41,600 Savard, Gilles C 53,234 Stafford, Rosanna 55,482 Thorne, David J 50,667<br />

Richard, Louise 66,632 Savary, Pamela 49,651 Stairs, Rhonda J 57,144 Thornton, David R 43,333<br />

Richard, Lynette 55,743 Savoie, Armand 48,360 St-Amand, Nicole 56,975 Toole, Brian 47,481<br />

Richard, Lynn 56,325 Savoie, Bernard 50,843 Stanley, Robin 55,602 Touchbourne, James R 55,796<br />

Richard, Rosemonde 52,173 Savoie, Carole 40,658 St-Coeur, Jerome 46,231 Toumishey, Gavin 64,911<br />

Richardson, Cindy 58,522 Savoie, Claude G 87,984 Steeves, Mary D 52,724 Tracey, Lisa H 56,863<br />

Rioux, Gerald 44,756 Savoie, Denis 59,254 Stewart, Allison J. 54,935 Trecartin, Cynthia 53,972<br />

Rioux, Jean 80,999 Savoie, Denis 72,925 Stewart, Darlene 48,977 Trempe, Michelyne 41,653<br />

Rivard-Keeley, Helene 59,700 Savoie, Denise 49,104 Stewart, Martine G 67,892 Trevor, Susan E 53,196<br />

Robichaud, Alberte 52,719 Savoie, Ginette 71,503 Stewart, Rowena 53,196 Trites, Joyce A 72,316<br />

Robichaud, Aline 62,088 Savoie, Hedard 48,255 Stewart, Terrence 63,501 Tucker, Sharon 53,196<br />

Robichaud, Aline 68,865 Savoie, Julie 44,843 Stiles, Judith Ann 75,639 Turgeon, Rachelle 60,438<br />

Robichaud, Carmella 53,196 Savoie, Madone 59,254 Stilwell, Frederick 69,178 Underhill, Jennifer 40,630<br />

Robichaud, Denise 46,260 Savoie, Manon 45,107 Stone, Joanne 59,848 Upton, Jerry R 50,710<br />

Robichaud, Desneige 62,057 Savoie, Micheline 53,691 Stone-Wills, Holly 51,626 Vallee, Linda 51,150<br />

Robichaud, Eric 58,636 Savoie, Mireille 44,737 St-Pierre, Rose Marie 70,720 Valois, Georges L 49,340<br />

Robichaud, Eveline 50,127 Savoie, Norbert 69,643 St-Pierre, Serge 59,504 Vasseur, William 53,196<br />

Robichaud, Francoise 42,916 Savoie, Paulette 52,441 Stranach-Leclair, Joanne 49,718 Vautour, Monique 53,252<br />

Robichaud, Genevieve 52,812 Savoie, Rosaire 51,633 Stultz, Dawn 54,773 Vautour, Yvonne 61,039<br />

Robichaud, Ginette 52,173 Savoie, Sylvie 51,188 Sullivan, Ann C 56,239 Verge-bennett, Darlene 44,978<br />

Robichaud, Jean Claude 53,368 Savoie-Godin, Nicole 43,809 Sullivan, Colleen C 52,831 Vickers, M. Kathleen 44,488<br />

Robichaud, Julianne 52,170 Savoie-Lamy, Anne 51,198 Sussey, Elaine 45,917 Vienneau, Leo M 68,307<br />

Robichaud, Maurice 53,196 Savoy, Bethany 47,818 Swift, Louise 46,004 Vienneau, Patrick 41,030<br />

Robichaud, Napoleon B 54,491 Savoy, Dawn 66,738 Tabor, Bonnie 58,281 Vienneau, Teri 48,172<br />

Robichaud, Nicole 52,445 Scott, Patricia 44,621 Taylor, Jennifer 42,237 Vinqvist, Janet 45,756<br />

Robichaud, Norbert 52,173 Seale, Holly E 61,017 Taylor, Milton W 59,254 Voye Page, Joanne 42,511<br />

Robichaud, Norbert 48,797 Seely, Patricia M 57,179 Tees, Kevin 56,078 Wade, Sheila 56,078<br />

Robichaud, Robert 65,759 Selesse-Guitard, Denise 55,822 Tellenbach, Derek 57,764 Walker, Sylvia 63,553<br />

Rolston, Allan G 50,536 Sellars, Danny J 55,801 Thebeau, Paula D 41,458 Walker, Tim 56,225<br />

Ross, Lyne 43,653 Senechal, Marcel 54,616 Theriault, Chantal 42,739 Walsh, Kellie F 43,198<br />

Ross, Paul 52,173 Senechal, Roger 52,221 Theriault, Claudette 47,963 Walsh, Mary Bridget 51,422<br />

Ross, Theresa I 55,836 Sharpe, Joan C 73,504 Theriault, Fernand 71,461 Ward, Micheline 50,513<br />

Rossignol-Lepage, Monique 62,969 Shean, Denise 51,372 Theriault, Gaetane 57,846 Watson, Diane 56,097

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