Livro CI 2008

Livro CI 2008

Livro CI 2008


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Evolução de Sistemas Fisiológicos<br />

Lee MSY & Shine R (1998). Reptilian viviparity and dollo's law. Evolution, 52(5):1441-1450.<br />

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development in a viviparous snake, vipera aspis. Oikos, 104(3):551-560.<br />

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lizard genus sceloporus. Herpetologica, 54(4):521-532.<br />

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Packard MJ & Demarco VG (1991). Eggshell structure and formation in eggs of oviparous reptiles. Em<br />

Egg incubation: Its effects on embryonic development in birds and reptiles, eds Deeming DC &<br />

Fergusson MWJ (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge) pp53-69.<br />

Palmer BD, Demarco VG, & Guillette LJ (1993). Oviductal morphology and eggshell formation in the<br />

lizard, sceloporus woodi. Journal of Morphology, 217(2):205-217.<br />

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Journal of Theoretical Biology, 185(1):129-135.<br />

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viviparity in montane reptiles? American Naturalist, 160(5):582-593.<br />

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volume 15, eds Gans C & Billet F (John Wiley and Sons, New York) pp605-694.<br />

Stewart JR & Florian JD (2000). Ontogeny of the extraembryonic membranes of the oviparous lizard,<br />

eumeces fasciatus (squamata : Scincidae). Journal of Morphology, 244(2):81-107.<br />

Stewart JR & Thompson MB (1996). Evolution of reptilian placentation: Development of<br />

extraembryonic membranes of the australian scincid lizards, bassiana duperreyi (oviparous) and<br />

pseudemoia entrecasteauxii (viviparous). Journal of Morphology, 227(3):349-370.<br />

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incubation: Its effects on embryonic development in birds and reptiles, eds Deeming DC &<br />

Fergusson MWJ (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge) pp285-306.<br />


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