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into thy closet; and when thou hast shut thy door,pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thyFather which seeth in secret shall reward threeopenly.' (Matt. 6:6.) Now that an electric ray canbe passed through opaque substances, such aspaper, wood, cloth, leather, alumnium, animalflesh, etc., can these scientists any longer mockat Christians for ‘credulity,' because we believethat ‘All things are naked and opened unto theeyes of Him with whom we have to do'? (Heb.4:13.) ‘He that formed the ear shall He not hear?He that formed the eye shall He not see?' Nowwe begin to see how it is that ‘<strong>The</strong>re is nothingcovered that shall not be revealed; and hid, thatshall not be known.' "— Z.'96-27; Ezek. 1:22.And in the midst of the Throne.— Woven intoits very fabric.And round about the Throne— Completelyencircling and enveloping it.Were four beasts.— "Living ones" (Diaglott);the four immortal attributes of Justice, Power,Love and Wisdom.— Ezek. 1:5, 6.Full of eyes before and behind.— Seeingclearly everything that will ever occur in thefuture, and everything that has ever transpired inthe past.— Ezek. 10:4, 12. 4:7And the first beast.— Justice was the attributefirst manifested toward our sinful race. "God hasfound it necessary to perform the unpleasantduties of discipline; and though all the while Hisfatherly love was preparing to bless the deceivedand fallen ones when the purposes of redemptionshould restore the repentant to His favor, Lovemust be veiled while only stern, relentless Justicecould be manifested. This has been nohappifying duty." — Z.'95-154.Was like a lion.— <strong>The</strong> characteristics of the lionillustrate this attribute: <strong>The</strong> teeth are of thehighest carnivorous type, adapted to seizing andholding firmly. Although occasionally seenabroad during the day, especially in wild anddesolate regions, the night (Psa. 30:5) is theperiod of its greatest activity. <strong>The</strong> usual pace of alion is a walk; and, though apparently rather

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