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Which shall come upon all the world.— "Webelieve that this temptation to headiness andstrife is spreading gradually in every direction;and the Master assured us that unless these dayswould be cut short by the establishment of HisKingdom in the hands of the Elect, no fleshwould survive."— Z.'16-327; Rev. 7:3. 4; 16:14;Matt. 24:21.To try them that dwell upon the earth.— "Weunderstand that the spirit of selfishness andambition, which is driving the nations insanely towar for commercial supremacy, will increasemore and more, and will involve everybody."—Z.'16-327; Rev. 6:10; 8:13; 11:10; 13:8, 14. 3:11[Behold,] I come quickly.— To Smyrna (73-325 A. D.) and Pergamos (325-1160 A. D.)nothing was said about Christ's Second Advent;to Thyatira (1160-1378) the Message was, "Holdfast till I come"; to Sardis (1378-1518) it was, "Iftherefore thou shalt not reform, I will come onthee as a thief"; to Philadelphia (1518- 1874) itwas, "Behold, I come quickly." How evident thatthese messages to the Churches are epochsdrawing nearer and nearer to the climax ofhistory, the Fifth Universal Empire, now come atlast!Hold that fast which thou hast.— "<strong>The</strong> Millermovement was a separation, as between thosewho kept the Word of God with patience andthose who lost their faith in His Word. <strong>The</strong>Philadelphia Church, which patiently passedthrough so severe a trial of their faith, would notbe subjected to the later test."— Z.'15-199.'That no man take thy crown.—"Unfaithfulness may lead to the blotting out ofsome names and the giving of their crowns toothers." (F165.) "It is our expectation that thiswork of going out and coming in will continueuntil the last member of the New Creation shallhave been found worthy, and all the crownseverlastingly apportioned."— F95; 1 Sam. 16:1;Rev. 2:10. 3:12Him that overcometh will I make a pillar [in]TO the Temple of my God.— "During the

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