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about." (F656.) Now the point of deliverance hasbeen reached.That ye be not partakers of her sins.— "If youfail to obey the Lord through fear of earthly loss,it will prove that these things are more preciousto you than His favor, and He will treat you asHe treats the hypocrites; you will have a share intheir experiences." (Z.'14-180.)"We do not know but that they may go to theextreme in our day— to kill socially to killecclesiastically, perhaps to kill physically.Nearly all the persecutions that have come toGod's people have come from professedChristians, fellow-believers. ‘Your brethren thathated you, that cast you out for Mr Name's sake,said, Let the Lord be glorified; but He shallappear to your joy, and they shall be ashamed.'(Isaiah 66:5.)"— Z.'14-181; Num. 16:26.And that ye receive not of her plagues.— SeeRev. 16:1-21.FM280Revelation 18:5.For her sins [have reached] CLEAVEDTOGETHER unto Heaven.— Ezekiel hastouched on this!— Jer. 51:9; Gen. 11:3, 4; Luke10:11.And God hath remembered her iniquities.—By seven plagues; the seven volumes of Studiesin the Scriptures.— Rev. 16:1-21. See alsobottom of this page.Revelation 18:6.Reward her even as she rewarded [you].— Adiligent attempt has been made in this direction.Anything overlooked will be inserted in the nextedition.— Psa. 137:8; Jer. 50:15, 29; 51:24.[And] double unto her double according toher works.— Make a double exposition(explaining Revelation and Ezekiel) that willshow her up just as she is.In [the] HER cup which she hath filled.— <strong>The</strong>Scriptures which she has twisted, distorted andmisapplied. "<strong>The</strong> cup which she has used as a

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