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What will ye see— You who study the matter.In the Shulamite— <strong>The</strong> Foolish Virgin class.<strong>The</strong> answer is that you will see.As it were the company — <strong>The</strong> GreatCompany.Of two armies — "A great multitude which noman can number."Canticles 7:1.How beautiful are thy feet — "How beautifulupon the mountains are the feet of them thatpreach the Gospel of peace." <strong>The</strong> Lord againaddresses His Bride.With shoes— "Feet shod with the preparation ofthe Gospel of peace."O Prince's daughter — Daughter of the King,Jehovah.<strong>The</strong> joints — "<strong>The</strong> whole Body, fitly joinedtogether and compacted with that which everyjoint supplieth."Of thy thighs — (Softness) gentleness,tenderness.Are like jewels — "<strong>The</strong>y shall be Mine, saith theLord of Hosts, in that day when I make up Myjewels."<strong>The</strong> work of the hands — "For we are Hisworkmanship."Of a cunning workman — "As for God, Hiswork is perfect."Canticles 7:2.Thy navel — Umbilical cord; by which you arejoined to the Oath-bound Covenant, the SarahCovenant; the cord of faith.Is like a round goblet — Generous in capacity.Which wanteth not liquor — Is full of theDivine promises.Thy belly — Spiritual digestive tract.Is like a heap of wheat — Solid spiritual food.Set about with lilies — Flowers of humility.

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