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incorrigibly wicked is not life in torment butoblivion, annihilation, the "second death" (Rev.21:8); that every one is, either in this life or afterthe resurrection, to be brought to a fullknowledge of the Truth (1 Tim. 2:4), receivessome measure of the Holy Spirit; that those whoincur the extreme penalty for sin will be onlythose who backslide beyond recovery. In fullconformity with Ezekiel's prophecy PastorRussell taught that "when a righteous man dothcommit iniquity, he shall die"— the SecondDeath.Ezekiel 3:22.And the hand of the Lord was there upon me;and He said unto me, Arise, go forth into theplain, and I will there talk with thee.— Ezekielwas impelled by the Holy Spirit to depart fromthe river Chebar with its teeming activities.Pastor Russell's consecration led him to separatehimself from commercial activities and to givehis life to the service of God. <strong>The</strong> hand of theLord was upon him to do this.<strong>The</strong> Lord's people, the Hebrews, mingled withthe Chaldeans, living in the plain— literally"vale" or "valley." Pastor Russell turned fromordinary avocations to all the people dwelling inthe Valley of the Shadow of Death (Psa. 23:4);and in that condition God communed with Histrue Watchman. Pastor Russell has been knownto pass entire nights in prayer, and go about hiswork the next day as though nothing unusual hadtaken place.—Rev. 3:14.Ezekiel 3:23.<strong>The</strong>n I arose, and went forth into the plain;and, behold, the glory of the Lord stood there,as the glory which I saw by the river ofChebar: and I fell on my face.— Continuallythe vision was before Pastor Russell of thecharacter, p]an and work of the Almighty. Dailyhe renewed his covenant of consecration anddaily sought to carry it out.

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