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Archbishops, Bishops and smaller fry.— Ezek.27:36; Isa. 23:8; 47:15; Rev. 18:3, 15, 23.Shall weep and mourn over her.— Saying, insubstance, "What shall I do? for my lord takethaway from me the stewardship: I cannot dig; tobeg I am ashamed."— Luke 16:3.For no man buyeth their merchandise anymore.— "And it shall come to pass in that day,saith the Lord of Hosts, that I will cut off thenames of the idols [all sectarian denominations]out of the land, and they shall no more beremembered: and also I will cause the prophets[the clergy] and the unclean spirit [their falsedoctrines] to pass out of the land. And it shallcome to pass that when any [former clergyman]shall yet prophesy [try to still further mislead thepeople into giving him reverence and coin], thenhis father and his mother that begat him shall sayunto him, Thou shalt not live; for thou speakestlies in the name of the Lord: and his father andhis mother that begat him shall thrust himthrough when he prophesieth [so enraged willthey be when they realize how they have beendeceived respecting fears of hell or assurances ofHeaven for themselves and other descendants ofmonkeys, which the preachers have taught themthey are]. And it shall come to pass in that daythat the prophets [clergy] shall be ashamed everyone of his vision [of the creeds], when he hathprophesied [preached]; neither shall they wear arough garment [distinctive clothing— collarsfastened on backwards, in harmony with theirconceptions of religious things, and ties andclothing inFM283mourning to suit] to deceive: But he shall say Iam no prophet [no preacher of the gospel at all],I am an husbandman [a farmer]; for man taughtme to keep cattle from my youth. [Ezekiel 34:1-31 shows how poorly they kept the cattle]. Andone shall say unto him, What are these wounds[marks of rough usage] in thine hands? <strong>The</strong>n heshall answer, Those with which I was woundedin the house of my friends [by myarishioners]."— Zech. 13:2-6.

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