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for a moment to the scenes of misery and woe,degradation and sorrow that yet prevail onaccount of sin, and picture before your mentalvision the glory of the perfect earth. Not a stainof sin mars the harmony and peace of a perfectsociety; not a bitter thought, not an unkind lookor word; love, welling up from every heart,meets a kindred response in every other heart,and benevolence marks every act. Think of allthe pictures of comparative health and beauty ofhuman form and feature that you have ever seen,and know that perfect humanity will be of stillsurpassing loveliness. <strong>The</strong> inward purity andmental and moral perfection will stamp andglorify every radiant countenance."— A191;Ezek. 1:5.And the fourth beast.— Wisdom, as exhibitedin the Father's Plan, now unfolded before ourdelighted gaze, isFM80the fourth, and complete, manifestation of Godto man. "He is never confused, bewildered,perplexed, anxious or careworn, or in the leastfearful that His plans will miscarry or Hispurposes fail; because all power and wisdominhere in Him. <strong>The</strong> scope of His mighty intellectreaches to the utmost bounds of possibility,comprehends all causes and discerns withprecision all effects; consequently He knows theend from the beginning, and that, not only uponphilosophical principles, but also by intuition. Asthe Creator of all things and the Originator of alllaw, He is thoroughly acquainted with all theintricate subtleties of physical, moral andIntellectual law, so that no problem could arise,the results of which are not manifest to His mind.‘God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all.' (1John 1:5.)"— Z.'95-153.Was like a flying eagle.— Of all known birds,the eagle flies the highest and with the greatestrapidity. "As the heavens are higher than theearth, so are My ways higher than your ways andMy thoughts than your thoughts." (Isa. 55:9.)<strong>The</strong> ones attracted to Present Truth are theeagles, the far-sighted ones that "behold the land

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