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And the smell of thy nose — Thy scent forspiritual things and the blessed results thatfollow.FM362Like apples — Food for the hungry.Canticles 7:9.And the roof of thy mouth — Where the praises ofJehovah reverberate.Like the best wine — <strong>The</strong> new wine of the KingdomFor my Beloved — Christ will then be the world'sBeloved, also.That goeth down sweetly — "I will not henceforthdrink this fruit of the vine till I drink it new with youin the Kingdom."Causing the lips — "Awake and sing, ye that dwellin the dust."Of those that are asleep — In death.To speak — Shall the dead arise and praise thee?Canticles 7:10.I am my Beloved's — <strong>The</strong> Bride speaks again.And His desire is towards me — "So shall the Kinggreatly desire thy beauty."Canticles 7:11.Come My beloved — <strong>The</strong> Lord addresses His Brideafter the Time of Trouble.Let us go forth — On our great mission of love andmercy.Into the field — Into the world, which needs us somuch.Let us lodge — Take up our temporary dwellingplace.In the villages — "Have thou authority over teacities!" "<strong>The</strong> Tabernacle of God is with men."Canticles 7:12Let us get up early — In the dawn of the New Age.To the vineyards — <strong>The</strong> hearts of mankind ingeneral.Let us see if the vine flourish — If men arebeginning draw nigh to God.

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