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nature. "Our God is a consuming fire" (Heb.12:29); only the perfect can stand in Hispresence; for all dross, not refinable (Mal. 3:2,3), is consumed by Justice. <strong>The</strong> essence of theDivine Revelation is Love, the golden lightradiating in every direction from Our Father. "Hethat loveth his brother abideth in the light" (1John 2:10), in the Divine love light thatsurrounds the Throne and pervades the entirespirit realm. This love is the light of the world, tolight men unto God.Ezekiel 1:28.As the appearance of the bow that is in thecloud in the day of rain, so was theappearance of the brightness round about.This was the appearance of the likeness of theglory of the Lord. And when I saw it, I fellupon my face, and I heard a voice of one thatspake.— <strong>The</strong> Throne and He that sat thereonwere surrounded by all the colors of the rainbow.(Rev. 4:3.) <strong>The</strong> love spirit finds fruitage incharacter fruits. So the light of our Father isdivisible into the warm red of love, the glowingblue of faithfulness, the brilliant green ofimmortality, the royal purple of kingship, forthose on any plane who are worthy of that honor,etc.— the manifestation of every good characterfruit and every good purpose for the blessing ofall His creatures. (John 15:8; Gal. 5:22.) <strong>The</strong>glory of God is not a display of blinding light toterrify men; but it is to do good, to manifest tothe uttermost His character of love. When thewatchman of the Laodicean age discerned theDivine character and Plan he fell upon his face(Rev. 1:17), in reverential worship and incomplete consecration to do the will of hisFather in Heaven. <strong>The</strong>re sounded forth andthrough him, from the pages of God's Word (Isa.30:21), the voice of the Sublime One who hasbeen speaking to Christendom during this dawnof the Golden Age.

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