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they will have! In the Father's House of manymansions theirs will be the happiest home.Of the tribe of [Joseph were sealed]BENJAMIN twelve thousand.— Benjaminsignified Son of my Sorrow originally, but thename was changed to signify Son of the righthand. <strong>The</strong> youngest of Jacob's children, he seemsFM133in some aspects to typify the Great Companyclass (Z.'811-7), but succeeds in gaining thehigher reward, probably because of being thecompanions of those that occupy more advancedpositions in the Body. Thus the humble-mindedand faithful servants and companions may anddo fill up that which is behind of the afflictionsof Christ, even though their personal sufferingsbe slight.— Heb. 10:33.Of the tribe of [Benjamin were sealed]JOSEPH twelve thousand.— <strong>The</strong> Sinaitic MS.mentions Joseph last, with peculiar fitness.Joseph was one of the most beautiful charactersof the Bible. His name signifies Whom may Godincrease.He had so many virtues that it is inadvisable toattempt their enumeration, but the story is told atlength in Gen. 37-50. He is one of the very fewcharacters named in the Bible about whomnothing uncomplimentary is expressed. He wellrepresents all the other members of the Divinefamily, all of whom have attained the Divinelikeness in their hearts and given expression tothat likeness as well as the frailties andweaknesses of the flesh would permit.It will be noticed that the tribes of Dan andEphraim are omitted from the foregoing list. Danevidently represents the class that goes into theSecond Death. <strong>The</strong> name signifies "God hathJudged me." (Gen. 30:6.)We know that all God's Judgments are Just and,look for the reason for Dan's rejection. Jacobprophesied that it would be Dan "that biteth thehorse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward."(Gen. 49:17.) Horses are symbols of doctrines.

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