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FM560Ezekiel 38:7.Be thou prepared, and prepare for thyself,thou, and all thy company that are assembledunto thee, and be thou a guard unto them.—<strong>The</strong> foregoing and their savage multitudes ofrevolutionists are to be the vanguard of the evilhost. <strong>The</strong>se people symbolize also those after the1,000 years whose heart condition will be likethe actual state of these savages.Ezekiel 38:8.After many days thou shalt be visited: in thelatter years thou shalt come into the land thatis brought back from the sword, and isgathered out of many people, against themountains of Israel, which have been alwayswaste: but it is brought forth out of thenations, and they shall dwell safely all ofthem.— After the career of the Ezekiel class isterminated in the flesh, the nations of Europe(and after the thousand years are finished thehosts of Satan, unbound) shall be called to dotheir dreadful work. At the close of the turbulentrevolutionary era. Europe shall come againstPalestine, then living in a peace contrasting withtheir turbulence; and, at the close of theMillennium Satan shall come against theMillennial order of things, abounding in holinessand peace.Ezekiel 38:9.Thou shalt ascend and come like a storm,thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the land,thou, and all thy bands, and many people withthee.— <strong>The</strong>y shall make the attack in vastnumbers.Ezekiel 38:10.Thus saith the Lord God; It shall also come topass, that at the same time shall things comeinto thy mind, and thou shalt think an evilthought.— At the end of the revolutionary eraturbulent Europe and Africa will be obsessedwith an idea full of evil for them and for theHebrews; and at the close of the Millennium

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