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for the manifestation of the sons of God" (Rom.8:19), to set up the Kingdom, the Golden Age,for which we all so long have prayed. (Matt.6:10.) <strong>The</strong> wings operate in pairs.And they were full of eyes within.— Nothinghas transpired, or will ever transpire, withoutGod's knowledge. In the past six thousand years,whether hidden or partially revealed, God'sJustice, Power, Love and Wisdom, have been intouch with all of earth's affairs.— Ezek. 10:12.And they HAVE NO rest [not] day andnight.— Not eternal idleness, but eternal work inthe interest of others will be our reward. "MyFather worketh until now, and I work." (John5:17.) "I must work the works of Him that sentMe, while it is day: the night cometh when noman can work." (John 9:4.) "We are Hisworkmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto goodworks." (Eph. 2:10.) "It is God which worketh inyou both to will and to do." (Phil. 3:13.) "We arelaborers together with God." (1 Cor. 3:9.)"Workers together with Him." (2 Cor. 6:1.)"Who shall change the Body of our humiliation,that it may be fashioned like unto His gloriousBody, according to the working whereby He isable to subdue all things unto Himself."— Phil.3:21.Saying, Holy, holy, holy, HOLY, HOLY,HOLY, HOLY, HOLY.— <strong>The</strong> Sinaitic MS.repeats the word "holy" eight times. (See Rev.4:3.) In the seventh thousand-year Day God willbring all things to perfection through <strong>The</strong> Christ,yet it is the eighth Day that marks the completeseparation from the old order of things. <strong>The</strong>Jewish child was circumcised on the eighth day(Luke 1:59; Phil. 3:5); seven days a sheep was tobe with its dam, and on the eighth given to theLord (Exod. 22:30); the eighth day of the Feastof Tabernacles was to be a holy convocationunto the Lord. (Lev. 23:36, 39.) In the eighththousand-year Day of mankind's history on theearth, circumcision of the heart will be completein all, all the sheep will have been turned over tothe Father, and the holy convocation of eternitywill have begun, "the grand epoch when there

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