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thou wast covered with the faithfulness (blue)and royalty (purple) of the worst of earth's paganpeoples (Elishah, descended from Javan,European, the most cruel and ferocious people ofearth, as shown by their history, including thisfurious worldwar.)Ezekiel 27:8.<strong>The</strong> inhabitants of Zidon and Arvad were thymariners; thy wise men, O Tyrus, that were inthee, were thy pilots.— <strong>The</strong> adherents of thebelong-to-a-church or go-to-hell idea (Zidonmeant "fortress," and this idea is the fortress ofecclesiasticism), and the supporters of the falselycomforting refuge of Platonic immortality of thesoul (Arvad means refuge, and Platonic heathenphilosophy is the refuge of philosophicChristendom) were thy mariners, the ones who"worked" thy oars; thy philosophers (wise ones),from Plato to Nietsche, charted thy evil course,and were the real "sky-pilots" for the rowers torow by.Ezekiel 27:9.<strong>The</strong> ancients of Gebal and the wise menthereof were in thee thy calkers; all the shipsof the sea with their mariners were in thee tooccupy thy merchandise.— <strong>The</strong> doctors ofdivinity (ancients of Gebal) (Psa. 83:7) and thecreed builders said enough on both sides of anyquestion for theological authorities (calkers) tokeep the people (sea) from getting on the inside,or having any real participation in thy affairs. Inthe middle of verse 9 the figure changes back tothat of the prosperous mercantile city that Tyrewas. All the independent religious andphilosophical churches and other organizations(ships) of the sea (peoples and nations) with theirsky-pilots (mariners) were in thee, OChristendom, thou aggregationFM495of confused and contradictory philosophies, toreceive, hold and disseminate thy teachings,doctrines, traditions, fables and philosophies(merchandise).

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