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Ezekiel 22:13.Behold, therefore I have smitten Mine hand atthy dishonest gain which thou hast made, andat thy blood which hath been in the midst ofthee.— God has shown plain signs of angeragainst ecclesiasticism's hypocrisy and her spiritof murder.Ezekiel 22:14.Can thine heart endure, or can thine hands bestrong, in the days that I shall deal with thee?I the Lord have spoken it, and will do it.—Her heart must fail her, and her powers weaken,before an abused conscience, in the days whenGod will deal with her iniquities.Ezekiel 22:15.And I will scatter thee among the heathen,and disperse thee in the countries, and willconsume thy filthiness out of thee.— He willscatter the ecclesiastics and by fiery trialsconsume the uncleanness out of ecclesiasticism.Ezekiel 22:16.And thou shalt take thine inheritance inthyself in the sight of the heathen, and thoushalt know that I am the Lord.— She shall beprofaned, desecrated and destroyed in the sightof earth's nations.Ezekiel 22:17, 18.And the word of the Lord came unto me,saying, Son of man, the house of Israel is toMe become dross; all they are brass, and tin,and iron, and lead, in the midstFM472of the furnace; they are even the dross ofsilver.— Ecclesiasticism, clergy and laity alike,are to the just and holy God become as the refuseof the baser metals in a fiery furnace ofaffliction; they are the dross of the GreatCompany (silver). (Jer. 6:30.) <strong>The</strong> baser metalstype degrees of earthly natures; brass (humanperfection), tin (tares, begotten of error), iron(savage worldly power), and lead (sin, iniquity).

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