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Babylon's bondage shall these be able to maketheir escape— 'saved so as by fire.' <strong>The</strong>y mustsee the utter wreck of Great Babylon and receivesome measure of her plagues." (C364.)"Sad disappointments attach to the experiencesof this company: it is because they fear thereproaches of Christ that they shirk presentprivileges and opportunities for walking withHim in white in the ‘sufferings of this presenttime:' behold, they not only miss the present joyand rejoicing of those who are faithful, buteventually they must come through still greatersufferings, if they would attain even to a lowerplace. Although loving the Lord and His people,they are somewhat ashamed of them and hide, asit were, their faces from them, in the presence ofthe worldly: and behold the Master at HisComing for His ‘Bride' cannot confess theirnames in the presence of theFM141Father and the holy angels." (Z.'97-162.) "<strong>The</strong>sewill be helped out of Babylon when she isfalling, and will flee in the winter-time, saying inthe words of the Prophet, ‘<strong>The</strong> Harvest is past,the Summer is ended [Winter has come], and weare not saved.' (Jer. 8:20.)" (D578.)"<strong>The</strong>se, surely, we cannot expect to see shieldedfrom the very trouble which the Lord declaresthey need; and which in special mercy He willinflict for their perfecting."--Z.'96-191.And have washed their robes.— Spotted andsoiled by contact with the world.— Z.'97-161.And made them white in the blood of theLamb.— "Not that their sufferings will washtheir robes, but that in their sufferings they willlearn to appreciate as never before theirrelationship to the Lamb of God and to Hisatoning merit, and by faith will be permitted toapply the same to their own cleansing."— Z.'07-233; 1 John 1:7.

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