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iver Euphrates, which materially contributed toits wealthFM244and resources, its overthrow was accomplishedby the turning aside of those waters. So mysticBabylon sits upon, is supported by, many waters(peoples, nations), and its fall is predicted,through the turning aside of its supporters andsustainers, the people." (B209; Jer. 50:38,51:36.)"Ecclesiastical circles in Germany are muchexercised at the rapidly increasing desertionsfrom the State Church. Although the process ofofficial separation from the Church is one of thegreatest difficulty, delay and expense, it iscomputed that in Berlin alone considerably over10,000 persons have severed their connectionwith the Church during the past year. So great isthe number of those who are notifying theirintention to terminate their membership thatspecial offices have been opened in Berlin toreceive their applications, which now numberbetween 300 and 400 dally. Among the workingclasses, especially those attached to the SocialDemocratic party, there exists a bitter hostility tothe clergy."— Z.'09-83."A program for a general strike against theChurch is the latest plan of action. <strong>The</strong> ‘No-Creeders' (Monists) in league with the Socialists,convened mass meetings in Berlin, Brunswickand Saxony, in which every means of incitationwas employed in an appeal toward a secessionfrom the State Church. At these meetings over1,300 persons signed a declaration announcingtheir intention to secede from the Church. Fourthousand more followed, and according tojudicial court-records received towards the endof December, 17,000 secessions tookplace in December up to the 23d, and the dayafter Christmas 8,000 more announced theirintention. <strong>The</strong> following press reports may serveas a typical illustration of the mode of procedurein such meetings. ‘Without exception, every onewho even by vague allusion, ventured to take a

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