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"What we see going on about us seems natural toour minds. <strong>The</strong> way in which other people spendtime and money is a temptation to the Lord'speople which must be steadfastly resisted. For usto do what others do, and to devote to the Lord'sservice only what the world considers areasonable day's work, would not be fulfillingour Covenant of Sacrifice at all. Those who seekmerely to do right, and to put in eight hours or soa day faithfully, after the manner of the world,will be judged from this standpoint; and they willmerely obtain a place in the Great Company.<strong>The</strong>y are not fulfilling the conditions of theCovenant of Sacrifice."— Z.'14-71."We do not think we should understand theScriptures to teach that the Great Company willattain to the same degree of spiritualdevelopment as the Little Flock. <strong>The</strong>y fail todisplay that love and zeal which the Lord has setas the mark for participation in the RoyalPriesthood." (Z.'14-68.)"In determining to sacrifice themselvespiecemeal when and how they and their friendsmight please, is the primary mistake." (Z.'96-191.)"While the living members of the Bride are beingseparated from others by the Truth, the ears ofthis class are dull of hearing and they are slow tobelieve and slow to act." (A20.)"In one parable the Lord styles this class awicked and slothful servant. He does not denyhim the honor of being a servant, He does notcharge him with becoming an enemy. He iscounted wicked and slothful because, havingundertaken certain responsibilities as a servant,he has failed to manifest the proper spirit ofearnest devotion."-Z.'07-315.Which no man could number.— "Whosenumber no man is able to tell (i. e., it is not aforeordained or fixed number — none werecalled to be of this company.)"— Rev. 5:11.FM138

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