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and traveling companion of Pastor Russell. Hewas eager to learn all he could about theHeavenly Father's will. It was not of himself thathe learned and taught the Divine Plan; but GodHimself caused him to learn, believe and teach.Ezekiel 3:3.And He said unto me, Son of man, cause thybelly to eat, and fill thy bowels with this rollthat I give thee. <strong>The</strong>n did I eat it; and it was inmy mouth as honey for sweetness.— No merecasual scanning of Present Truth would suffice.<strong>The</strong> man of God was to be filled with the greatMessage. (Rev. 10:9, 10.) "<strong>The</strong> sweetest storyever told" (Psa. 19:10; 119:103) broughtinexpressible peace. It sweetened the experiencesof a life of sacrifice. Whoever eats, assimilatesPresent Truth, finds every heart questionanswered, every doubt silenced. He learns "thepeace of God that passeth understanding" (Phil.4:7), and a sweetness as of honey in thepromises, plans, and purposes of the Father ofLove.Ezekiel 3:4.And He said unto me, Son of man, go, getthee unto the house of Israel, and speak withMy words unto them.— From apostolic days totoday all to whom the Spirit gives utterancebegin to speak (Acts 2:1-18) because constrainedto do so, because they "love to tell the story." ToEzekiel, and to the greatest preacher of moderntimes, came a readiness of speech, when JehovahHimself gave them His Spirit, and commandedto "get thee unto the house of Israel, and speakwith My words unto them."FM382Ezekiel 3.5.For thou art not sent to a people of a strangespeech and of a hard language, but to thehouse of Israel.— Present Truth was not to go tothe heathen, the drunkards, unbelievers, but tothe Christian people of the world, the spiritualHouse of Israel.

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