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ecords have been permitted to survive theravages of papal persecution.Both for a time, and times, and half a time.—1260 years from A. D. 539 to 1799.— Rev. 11:2,3.From.— Safe from.<strong>The</strong> face of the Serpent.— Satan himself, thereal instigator of all persecutions from the Lord'stime even until now.And the Serpent.— Satan himself, at the closeof the 1260 years of Papacy's power to persecute.Cast out of his mouth water as a flood.— "<strong>The</strong>strength of the French revolution, to whichreference is here had, lay in the fact that it wasinstigated by many stern truths, regarding priestcraftand king-craft, and regarding the individualrights and liberties of all. Truths regardinghuman rights were seen and expressed therewhich cause us surprise when we consider theignorance, superstition and servility of that day,under which the masses had soFM192long rested. Many of the truths which then sweptas a flood over France, deluging it with blood,are now very generally accepted among allcivilized peoples."— C65.After the woman, that he might cause her tobe carried away of the flood.— "Satan's designin instigating the French revolution was to createan alarm throughout Europe, especially theinfluential class, unfavorable to liberty, and toillustrate in France the theory that, were thesuperstitions of Rome to be overthrown andliberty to be given full sway, all law and orderwould speedily end." This strategy Satan is nowabout to repeat— this time with success, but histriumph will be short.— C66.And the earth.— <strong>The</strong> order-loving people ofEurope.Helped the woman.— <strong>The</strong> true Church.And the earth opened her mouth, andswallowed up the flood.— "It is a fact of history

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