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without obligating the ministers to be reordained.We are waiting for this." (Z.'13-343.)"If the various ministers of other denominationsin considerable numbers accept reordination asministers at the hands of Episcopalian Bishop,the validity of other ordination will be speedilyquestioned. <strong>The</strong> authority of this so-called‘Apostolic Ordination' will give seeming right ofauthority, dignity and power. After theprominent ministers of various denominationssubmit themselves to such reordination, the‘lesser lights' will make a rush for it."— Z.'10-308.Canon Henson, of Westminster Abbey, has said:"<strong>The</strong> logical goal of modern tendencies is nottoward Disestablishment, but toward a fuller andworthier Establishment. Why should not thenation draw into its service all theFM211organized Christianity instead of limiting itself toa single denomination? I rejoice to observe abeginning made in this direction by recentlegislation, which has recognized for certaincivic purposes the status of Nonconformistclergymen." "Can it be that thus the two-hornedbeast [Great Britain] may give ‘life,' energy, theeffect of Apostolic succession, to the Protestant‘image of the [Roman] beast?' "— Z.'06-7.In a short time we shall see which of these formsof giving life to the image will be used; butmeantime the subject is growing in the minds ofthose most interested, as the followingdispatches show:"Washington, Dec. 31, 1916.— In a signeddocument addressed to the nation, more thanfifty prelates and laymen of variousdenominations representing many sections of thecountry have united in a warning against whatthey declare may be a premature peace in Europewhich ‘may bring a curse instead of a blessing.' ""Last winter commissions of all AmericanProtestant churches met at Garden City, L. L, forthe first time, and adopted a general platform onwhich it recommended that the World

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