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with its attendant upsetting of the present order.<strong>The</strong> woes are visited upon those interested inmaintaining the present order of things, whowould like to retain indefinitely the advantagesthey have obtained. "<strong>The</strong> battle of this great Dayof God Almighty will be the greatest revolutionthe world has ever seen. Behold, how, even now,the searchlight of general intelligence isdiscovering the secret springs of politicalintrigue, financial policies, religious claims, etc.,and how all are brought to the bar of judgment,and by men, as well as by God, declared right orwrong as judged by the teachings of the Word ofGod."— D541.Revelation 11:15.And the seventh angel.— Pastor Russell. SeeRev. 3:14; 10:7.Sounded.— "We find the ‘shout,' the ‘voice ofthee Archangel' and ‘the trump of God' allsymbols, and now in process of fulfillment."(B149, 197.) "<strong>The</strong> ‘great trumpet' we understandto be the antitypical ‘trumpet of Jubilee,' assymbolic as the preceding six, none of whichever made any literal sound. It has beensymbolically sounding since October, 1874, andwill continue to the end of the Millennium."—D601; Rev. 10:7.And there were great voices in heaven.—"<strong>The</strong>se voices have been uttered, and to someextent heard, in the symbolic heavens, thenominal church. For some years past a ‘volunteerwork' has been steadily progressing amongst thebrethren— the work of rendering assistance tothe members of the Household of Faith still inBabylon, still in darkness respecting the Lord,His true Character, His true Plan, and respectingthe nearness of His Kingdom."— Z.'02-118.Saying, --<strong>The</strong> [kingdoms] KINGDOM of thisworld [are] IS become the [kingdoms]KINGDOM of our Lord, and of His Christ.—"<strong>The</strong> volunteer matter prepared for this presentyear (the issues of our journal for February 15and March 15) had already been prepared beforewe thought of how wonderfully this year's

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