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physically. Politicians will quickly realize thattheir bread is buttered on that side, and be readyto enact legislation of any kind desired by theFederation. Mammon-worship will take on newforms temporarily, but power will soon debauchthe unregenerate mass and drive out theregenerate faithful who may temporarily bemisled by the great ‘Union' movement in thename of Christ, but without His Spirit orauthority."— Z.'06-6.Free and bond.— "It is altogether possible,indeed probable we think, that John's coursewhich brought him into conflict with Herod wasin some degree typical of the course of theGospel Church in this present time; and of thecourse of events that may be expected. If it be atype, Herod would represent civil government,and the unlawful wife would represent thenominal church, which throughout the symbolicScriptures is represented as a woman, Jezebel,etc. Should it prove to be a type by its fulfilmentin antitype, the fulfilment will probably be onsomething like the following lines: (1) A partialreunionFM214of Church and State. [This has now beenaccomplished by the Alliance of the UnitedStates with Great Britain.] (2) In such case itwould become the duty of the true Church, theforerunners and announcers of the MessianicKingdom, to reprove the civil powers as well asthe nominal church systems, and to declare theirunion unlawful— contrary to the Word of God.(3) <strong>The</strong> effect of this would pretty surely be toawaken, the animosity of both civil and religiouspowers; but it would draw out specially theanimosity and venom of the latter. (4) <strong>The</strong>church nominal, in her false position would beanxious to stifle the reproofs and to destroy thereprovers, and the effect would be that the civilpower would be induced to pass such legislationas would restrain the liberty of the faithful onesand hinder them from public utterances;— asJohn was hindered by imprisonment. (5)Jezebel's daughter (united Protestantism) will

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