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minister of the Gospel in the Scriptural sense.First, the Divine ordination is necessary; second,the earthly ordination is necessary. By the graceof God I have both of these."— Z.'15-358.As to his doctrines we quote him the third time:"To us the Scriptures clearly teach that theChurch is ‘the Temple of the living God'—peculiarly ‘His workmanship'; its constructionhas been in progress throughout the GospelAge— ever since Christ became the world'sRedeemer and Chief Corner Stone of HisTemple, through which, when finished, God'sblessing shall come ‘to all people,' and they findaccess to Him, (1 Cor. 3:16, 17; Eph. 2:20; Gen.28:14; Gal. 3:29.)That meantime the chiseling, shaping andpolishing of consecrated believers in Christ'sAtonement for sin progresses; and when the lastof these ‘living stones,' ‘elect and precious,' shallhave been made ready, the great MasterWorkman will bring all together in the FirstResurrection; and the Temple shall be filled withHis glory, and be the meeting place between Godand men throughout the Millennium. (Rev. 15:5-8; 21:3.)We affirm the pre-existence of Jesus as themighty Word ‘(Logos)—Spokesman— 'thebeginning of the creation God,' ‘the First-Born ofevery creature,' the active Agent of the HeavenlyFather, Jehovah, in all the work of creation.‘Without Him was not anything made that wasmade.' (Rev. 3:14; Col. 1:15; John 1:3.) Weaffirm that the Word (Logos) was made flesh—became the Babe of Bethlehem— thus becomingthe Man Jesus, ‘holy, harmless, undefiled,separate from sinners.'As we affirm theFM57humanity of Jesus, we equally affirm theDivinity of Christ— 'God also hath highlyexalted Him, and given Him a name above everyname.' (Heb. 7:26; Phil. 2:9.)

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