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Zion's travail is at hand, and the new and betterorder of things near.And gathered the vine of the earth.— Broughttogether all the sects in virulent opposition to theMessage of the Truth.And cast it into the great winepress of thewrath of God.— "<strong>The</strong> fruitage of the True Vineis Love, and is precious to the Father; but thefruitage of the Vine ofFM228the Earth is selfishness in various forms, and willbe ultimately gathered into the great winepress ofthe wrath of God in the great Time of Troublewith which this Age will close." (F207; Rev.19:15.) "While the taking of different names waswrong, it was an evidence of a deeper wrong—of a selfish, party spirit. It was an evidence thatthose Corinthians who took the party names hadnever appreciated the oneness of the Body ofChrist; that they did not really appreciate thatChrist is the only Head, Leader and Standard;and that His is the only name by which Hisfollowers should recognize themselves and eachother." (Z.'08-116.)Many of the clergy are today followers ofDarwin and Socrates instead of Moses andChrist. And both Darwin and Socrates werementally unsound. <strong>The</strong> following is from Dr.Dorland's <strong>The</strong> Age of Mental Virility: "It islikewise exceptional to find an unusually shortnose, such as that possessed by Darwin andSocrates, among men of intellect. Nasalabbreviation is one of the well-known signs ofdegeneracy, as is also the sessile or otherwisemisshapen ear, the sugar-loaf skull, the close-seteyes, and other physiognomic irregularities,including the cretinoid face. <strong>The</strong> latter, strange torelate, has been noted in certain men ofremarkable genius, including Darwin andCarlyle, Rembrandt, Pope and Socrates. I wish toemphasize at this point the assertion that notevery individual who chances to possess one ofthe above mentioned physical peculiarities is tobe immediately stamped as a degenerate. It is

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