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that is very far off." (Matt. 24:28; 2 Pet. 1:9; Isa.33:16, 17; Psa. 103:5.) In the training of itsyoung the eagle manifests wisdom of high order:"‘As an eagle stirreth up her nest' (she mixes thethorny outside with the downy inside, so that theeaglets will leave it and learn to fly), so God, byHis testing providences makes the place of restone of unrest to us, and thus lures us out to trustourselves to His care and guidance over untriedways."— Z.'04-116.Revelation 4:8And the four beasts.— Justice, Power, Loveand Wisdom.Had each of them six wings about him.—"Above it stood the seraphims (Justice, Power,Love and Wisdom): each one had six wings, andwith twain he did fly. And one cried to another,and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of Hosts:the whole earth is full of His glory." (Isa. 6:2, 3.)"<strong>The</strong> vision of Isaiah is a prophecy of the future,when the ‘glory of the Lord shall be revealed,and all flesh shall see it together' in theestablishment of the Kingdom of God during theMillennium.' (Isa. 40:5.) Only from thisprophetic standpoint would the words of theseraphim be true; for the whole earth has neveryet been filled with the Lord's glory; but on thecontrary, the earth is full of sin and violence, andevery evil work." (Z.'98-305.)Six is a symbol of imperfection, and in the lightof the foregoing seems to refer to the sixthousand years of the permission of evil, thetheme of the entire Book of Revelation. For thefirst two thousand years, from the fall toFM81the covenant with Abraham, God's face wasalmost entirely hidden from man. For the nexttwo thousand years, until the death of Christ, itwas not apparent how the place of God's feet.His footstool, should ever be made glorious. (Isa.60:13; 66:1.) But since then for two thousandyears, God's Love has been manifest to all, and"the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth

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