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Revelation 20:3.And cast him Into the [bottomless pit]ABYSS.— Oblivion. In this instance it signifiesSatan's enforced idleness, which will surely beoblivion for him after the busy time he has hadduring the past six thousand years. How small hewill feel when he sees the Lord Jesus undo inone thousand years all that he accomplished insix thousand!And shut him up, and set a seal upon him.—Spirit of Truth in the hearts of men; the desire towin the favor or earth's new King, will depriveSatan of all his subjects. All his evil companions.human and angelic, will be destroyed in the Timeof Trouble, Alone, idle and humiliated constantlyfor a thousand years, is a punishment he richlydeserves.That he should deceive the nations no more,till the thousand years should be fulfilled.—"Some have become so deluded by thesophistries of Satan, by which he has deceivedall nations, that they do not believe that there is aGod: others believe in Him as a great andpowerful adversary, without love or sympathy,ready and anxious to torment them to all eternity;others are confused by the Babel of conflictingreports that have reached them, concerning theDivine character, and know not what to believe;and, seeking to draw near unto God, are hinderedby their fears and by their ignorance." (E19. 18.)"<strong>The</strong> trial, or judgment, of the overcomers of theChristian Dispensation and of the Dispensationthat preceded it, has been much more severe thanthe trial of the world will be in its judgment day;for these have had to Withstand Satan, the princeof this world, with all his wiles andensnarements, while in the world's judgment dayChrist will be reigning, and Satan will be bound,that he may not deceive the nations. <strong>The</strong>se havesuffered persecution for righteousness' sake,while then men will be rewarded forFM303righteousness, and punished only forunrighteousness. <strong>The</strong>se have had great stumbling

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