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fourthly, to the world in general, groaning andtravailing in pain, waiting for the blessings of thecoming Day of Christ; and fifthty, toward ourenemies also, sympathetically realizing that arewarped, twisted and blinded through the deceitfulnessof sin through the machinations of the greatAdversary.— 2 Cor. 4:4."— Z.'16-345; Rev. 2:12,16; 19:15, 21; Isa. 11:14FM21And His countenance [was as the sun] shineth ASTHE SUN in his strength.— "And his face was as itwere the sun."— Rev. 10:1; Acts 26:13. 1:17And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead.—"So great was the splendor that St. John fell as dead,just as Daniel did in the presence of the mighty Onewhom he saw, and just as Saul of Tarsus did beforethe majesty presented to him. (Dan. 10:4-11; Acts9:3-9.) So it is symbolically with the Christian, whenonce he gets a glimpse of the glories of the DivineCharacter. When once we get a true view of Himwith whom we have to do, as the great Heart-searcherand Caretaker of His Church, we fall before Him,humbled to the dust, realizing that we are imperfect,that we cannot stand before our Master, that we areunworthy of His blessing."— Z.'16-344; Ezek. 1:28.And He laid His right hand upon me.— "As ourLord touched St. John gently, raising him up, so Hehas spoken to us comfort, peace and love, assuring usthat we have a High Priest that can be touched with afeeling of our infirmities, One who is able tosympathize and mercifully to assist."— Z. ‘16-345.Saying [unto me, Fear not]; I am the First and theLast.— "We must recognize that our Lord is the Onewho was the beginning of the creation of God and theend of it, the One by whom are all things, next to theFather in everything pertaining to the affairs of theUniverse.— Col. 1:15; Rev. 3:14; John 1:1-3; 1 Cor.8:6."— Z.'16-345; Rev. 1:11; 2:8.Revelation 1:18I am He that liveth, and was dead— "<strong>The</strong> Lordnow liveth, and in order to appreciate this weunderstand that He was dead for parts of three days—not merely apparently dead, but actually dead— Hissoul poured out unto death, made an offering forsin.— Isa. 53:10-12." (Z.'01-189.) "It was becauseChrist's soul (being) was dead that the Apostles coulddeclare that unless His soul, being, were made alive

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