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It is an abomination for a professing Christian toput forth his heart's best endeavors except in theservice of God.Ezekiel 8:12.<strong>The</strong>n said He unto me, Son of man, hast thouseen what the ancients of the house of Israeldo in the dark, every man in the chambers ofhis imagery? for they say, <strong>The</strong> Lord seeth usnot; the Lord hath forsaken the earth.—<strong>The</strong>se departures from True Christian belief arecarried on "in the dark." (John 3:19.) Every tare,imitation Christian, has his own peculiar beliefsand practices in "the chamber of his imagery,"his mind. Because God knows how to deferretribution until the Day of Judgment (2 Pet.2:9), these unwise ones delude themselves thatthe All-Seeing One does not see. Those notfamiliar with the Divine Plan of the Ages, seeingthe conditions of savage war trending into worsethings, apparently have the delusion that theLord has forsaken the earth.Ezekiel 8:13, 14.He said also unto me, Turn thee yet again,and thou shalt see greater abominations thatthey do. <strong>The</strong>n He brought me to the door ofthe gate of the Lord's house which was towardthe north; and, behold, there sat womenweeping for Tammuz.— Tammuz means"perfect (tam) by burning" (muz). He was aheathen god whose death was lamented annuallyby women idolaters. He was the god of fireworship, the same as Molech, to whom childrenwere burned alive. He types the eternal-tormentpurgatoryGod, who perfects (supposedly) by thefires of purgatory. <strong>The</strong> women weeping for himtypify the once-virgin churches, who honor thealleged hell-fire god and lament the ones in thefire. <strong>The</strong>re is a unity of heathen religions withapostate "Christianity" which stamps them all aspagan. <strong>The</strong> original heathen god was Nimrod,"the mighty hunter" of Gen. 10:8-14, where isrelated the origin of Babylon and Ninevah.Nimrod led men and women from the truereligion of devout Noah into gross sensuality andneglect of the worship of Jehovah. He was

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