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the Scriptures," admonished a Southern preacherto his flock, "is to believe them." No argumentcould be devised to stem the flood of Truth, onlya ban on the reading of the books. Ininnumerable places priestcraft caused the publicburning of the books.Practically every home in America, England,Germany, Sweden, Australia, and otherProtestant countries was reached by a deluge offree tracts. Such a tracting of the world withbillions of pages, was never known. <strong>The</strong> enemiesof Truth were wholly unable toFM383check the spread of knowledge. A furthersituation faced was the production of the freePhoto-Drama of Creation, seen and heard bytwelve millions. No answer could be put forth byclerical foes of truth, but baseless, cruel libels onthe private life of one of God's noblemen.Audiences by the thousands listened to Biblelectures by Pastor Russell and by hundreds ofpublic speakers, and their voice is still heard allover the world. Stinging assaults of slander wereignored by a man of destiny, who had too muchof God's work to do to pay attention to theyelpings of little men— of the D. D.'s ofChristendom (Isa. 56:10), who love slumber, butwho snarl and bite when disturbed in theirdreams of "peace, peace" (Jer. 6:14), social andcivic gospels, church unity, and evangelisticraids on the pockets of the masses. Not asituation or a person but was facedvictoriously.— Isa. 54:57.Ezekiel 3:9.As an adamant harder than flint have l madethy forehead; fear them not, neither bedismayed at their looks, though they be arebellious house.— <strong>The</strong> forehead is symbolic ofwisdom. A man of high forehead, as was PastorRussell, is of a high type of intellect. PastorRussell's mind was made strong againstopponents of the Reform, which is ushering inthe everlasting Kingdom of Messiah. It isimpossible for error to withstand truth. (Luke

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