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(Matt. 24:28; D610); the sun and moon havebeen darkened (Matt. 24:29; D590); the Man ofSin has been revealed (2 <strong>The</strong>ss, 2:8; T86; B271);the Elias has come (Mal. 4:5; B251); theregathering of the Jews has begun (Jer. 31:8;Z.'06-84); the refining of the sons of Leviprogresses (Mal. 3:1-3; Z.'05-378); the true faithwas nearly extinct in the earth (Luke 18:8;Z.'06265); the doctrines of devils are rampant (1Tim. 4:1; F621); the perilous times and allassociated evils are here (2 Tim. 3:1-7; Z.'99-99); the Lord God has given the sinners water ofgall to drink (Jer. 8:14; C158); the mighty angelhas roared, "Come out of her" (Rev. 18:4; C155);the running to and fro is in evidence (Dan. 12:4;C63); the antitypical Josiah has kept the greatPassover (2 Chron. 35:19; Z.'05-180); the landshadowed with wings has played its part (Isa.18:1; Z.'04-230); the watchman has stood uponhis tower (Hab. 2:1; C89); the wheels withinwheels are made clear (Ezek. 1:15); the Prophethas come to the rebellious house (Ezek. 2:3); hehas eaten the book of her fate (Ezek. 2:9); theseven years of astonishment are finished (Ezek.3:15); the sieges of 390 years and 40 years are atan end (Ezek. 4:5, 6); the image of jealousy hasbeen disclosed (Ezek. 8:3); the man with thewriter's inkhorn has performed his task (Ezek.9:2); the removing is at an end (Ezek. 14:21); thesword has been doubled the third time (Ezek.21:15); the point of the sword has been madebright (Ezek. 21:15); ecclesiasticism has beendelivered unto brutish persons (Ezek. 21:31); thedesire of the faithful servant's eyes has failed(Ezek. 24:16); the stilled voice is speakingagain.— Ezek. 33:22.<strong>The</strong> seven thunders have uttered their voices(Rev. 10:3); the seven last plagues have beenpoured out (Rev. 15:6); the voices of the threesigns have been uttered (Exod. 4:3-9; Z.'07-276);the ribband of blue (the Vow) has done its work(Num. 15:38); the tares and wheat have beenseparated (Matt. 13:30; C139); the net has beendrawn to the shore and the fish sorted (Matt.13:48; C214); the ambassadors of peace havewept bitterly (Isa. 33:7); the foolish virgins have

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