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committed adultery may deny it under oath,provided she has been to confess: for then thesin has been pardoned, and has really ceased toexist.) It is right to advise any one to commit arobbery, or a fornification, in order to avoid amurder. We may be allowed to conceal the truth,or disguise it under ambiguous or equivocalwords or signs, for a just cause, and where thereis no necessity to confess the truth." And Liguoriis still a "saint" in the Roman eccleasiastism,"where Satan's seat is," and with whomEpiscopalians, Church of England men, andProtestants generally, are trying to come togetherin a church union or federation, destinedfortunately to an early decease."<strong>The</strong>y are not to be called oaths, but ratherperjury, which are in opposition to the welfare ofthe Romish church."— <strong>The</strong> Lateran Council("infallible"). "If any, either alone or before others, whetherasked or of his own accord, or for the purpose ofsport, or for any other object, swears that he hasnor done something else which he has not done,or in a different way from that in which he hasdone it, or any other truth that is added, he doesnot really lie, nor is he perjured."— PopeInnocent XI, another of the "saints." 1611-1689."A man may swear that he never did such a thing(though he actually did it), meaning withinhimself that he did not do so on a certain day, orbefore he was born, or understanding any othersuchFM523circumstances, while the words which heemploys have no such sense as would discoverhis meaning." "Promises are not binding, whenthe person in making them had no intention tobind himself."— "Saint" Antonio Escobar ofMendoza, a Spanish Casuist and Jesuit, 1589-1699 ("Papacy and Civil Power," page 607)."I pronounce all Roman Catholic priests,bishops, popes, monks, friars and nuns to be themost deliberate and willful set of liars that everinfested this or any other country, or disgraced

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