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Ezekiel 7:11.Violence is risen up into a rod of wickedness;none of them shall remain, nor of theirmultitude, nor of any of theirs; neither shallthere be walling for them.— Those who rule byviolence shall be utterly rooted out of the earth inthe Time of Trouble, unhonored and unwept (Jer.16:4-6), accursed for the evil they have wrought.<strong>The</strong> clergy, for whom many would even havedied in the past, but who have preached thepeople into this war and into the world's ruin,will become objects of popular hatred.Ezekiel 7:12.<strong>The</strong> time is come, the Day draweth near; letnot the buyer rejoice, nor the seller mourn;for wrath is upon all the multitude thereof.—<strong>The</strong> year 1918, with its fearful revolutions, andsucceeding anarchy, is at the door.7:13. EzekielFor the seller shall not return to that which issold, although they were yet alive: for thevision is touching the whole multitude thereof,which shall not return; neither shall anystrengthen himself in the iniquity of his life.—This indicates the languishing and eventualdecline and cessation of business. (Isa. 33:8.)Symbolically, it represents the ceasing of theclergy from "selling" religion and the peoplefrom buying. "Success consists in knowing howto be discreetly dishonest," is now a commonFM406rule of practice; but the time is at hand wheniniquitous practices and precepts will no longerprofit any.Ezekiel 7:14.<strong>The</strong>y have blown the trumpet, even to makeall ready; but none goeth to the Battle; for Mywrath is upon all the multitude thereof.—<strong>The</strong>re are other trumpets than the trumpet ofTruth.Established error has its trumpet message.Ecclesiasticism, capitalism, and governments

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