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"settles", respectively, 4x14x14 cubits and2x16x16 cubits, the lower of which will restupon a bottom or foundation 1x16x16 cubits.<strong>The</strong> Tabernacle altar was 3x5x5 cubits, thedimension suggesting incompleteness, ascompared with the numerical symbolism of theEzekiel altar. This altar types the completedwork of the Sin Offering and will be seen to beof far greater magnitude and importance thaneven the eye of faith can now perceive while thesuffering work is in process.Its elevation by the bottom and two settlessuggests the lofty exaltation of <strong>The</strong> Christ whoparticipated in the Sin Offering far above thebeneficiaries from the blood— the GreatCompany and the perfected world of humanity.It will be approached by stairs to the height ofthe base of the altar proper, typing that theevidence of the sacrifices by the offerers will becarried into Heaven itself.— Ezek. 40:44-47;43:13-27; 45:18-20; 47:1.<strong>The</strong> Offerings<strong>The</strong> various offerings typify the following: Aburnt offering will be a thankful prayer to God,acknowledging His mercy, wisdom and love asmanifested in the broken Body of the offerer'sgreat Ransomer.A peace offering will be the fulfilment of a vowor a willing thank offering; the offerer eating thesacrifice will be his appropriation to himself ofthe consecration; with it he will eat certain thingssuch as unleavened cakes, oil and anointedwaters, signifying his faith in Christ's characterwhich he will copy.A trespass offering signifies restoration forwrong, with recognition of the offerer'simperfection and the value of the ransom.FM587A meat offering of fine flour, unleavened cakes,oil, etc., signifies the consecration of the offerer'sall, the sample burned on the altar meaning the

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