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Canticles 8:5.Who is this — <strong>The</strong> Heavenly Father thus speaksof the Bride.That cometh up — That cometh forward intoprominence.From the wilderness — At the end of 1260years of wilderness hiding and papal supremacy.Leaning upon her Beloved — Upon her Lord.I raised thee up — "It is God that justifieth.Who is he that condemneth?"FM364Under the apple tree — Under Christ, theAuthor and Finisher of your salvation.<strong>The</strong>re thy mother — <strong>The</strong> antitypical Sarah.Brought thee forth — "Shall I bring to the birthand not cause to bring forth?"<strong>The</strong>re she brought thee forth — <strong>The</strong> OathboundCovenant accomplished its end.That bare thee — From earthly to Heavenlyconditions.Canticles 8:6.Set me as a seal — Indelibly impressed. <strong>The</strong>Bride beseeches her Lord.Upon Thy heart— Thine infinite love.As a seal upon Thine arm — Thine infinitepower.For love — Such love as I have for <strong>The</strong>e.Is strong as death — "Neither death nor lifeshall be able to separates from the love of Godwhich is in Christ Jesus our Lord."Jealousy — <strong>The</strong> fear that I may not, after all,prove acceptable to You, as Your Bride.Is cruel as the grave — Sheol, oblivion.<strong>The</strong> coals thereof — <strong>The</strong> weaknesses of myfallen flesh.Are coals of fire — Burned into my very soul.

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